Waking up

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Arianna's POV

I woke up in a tangle of bed sheets in an unknown room. Even though the room was dark I could plainly see that it held all my things. Beside me, a clock read 2:45 AM , I scrambled out of the bed.

"Damon!" I yelled, fear was starting to grow inside me, gripping my heart; choking it. Where was I? Why couldn't I remember anything? The last thing I recalled was being in the car with Damon and Mr. Lee. Did someone Drug me?

Suddenly, a door across from me burst open and once again, I was staring into a pair of luminescent purple eyes. Relief spread through me. "Damon, it's alright I'm okay." I cooed, trying to calm him down. He blinked a couple of times until his eyes were once again his own.

 "Well hey there sleeping beauty" he said with a smile, once he was back to himself. "What do you mean? How long have I been asleep?" I asked while looking around for a light switch. I located it and walked over to flip it on. Damon and I both covered our eyes as the bright light blinded us.

"About 3 days now" Damon said, still rubbing his eyes.

"What? Why? I don't understand." Why would I sleep for so long?

"Uhm something about healing from the change you went through I think, that's what Lee said anyways, but apparently, you won't even need sleep very much at all now. " Damon explained, while walking to my bed and sitting down, I followed and sat next to him.

"So what've you been doing while I was sleeping?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing really, Lee sad that I could wait till you woke up to start school, so I've spent the last couple of day's playing Xbox and exploring the grounds. I met this guy named Max, he's pretty cool, he showed me were the kitchen was so I didn't have to show up in the cafeteria all by myself. Oh and he's a vampire like you." he said with a goofy grin on his face.

That's Damon for you, already making friends and he'd barely left the room. I really hope this wouldn't be like before, when I was an outsider. Damon caught my attention, his grin had fallen and been replaced with a frown. "Listen Air," He looked my way "I should have told you as soon as I found out, but I needed to come to terms to with it myself first." He sighed. "You know how I'm your guardian right?" I nodded in response. "Well, as it turns out, I'm not just a guardian, I'm a werewolf. All guardians are werewolves." He looked away in shame.

Werewolves?I immediately raised my eyebrows in disbelief, but then I thought about it, if I was a vampire, then why couldn't Damon be a werewolf?

"So, your telling me, not only am I a supernatural creature, but you are too?" I started laughing, and fell backwards into the bed. "You know, I don't see how any of this is funny." Damon said from above me with a smile, then laid back next to me.

He spent the next couple of hours explaining our past how we are dependents of Angels and Demons. I have to admit, the story sounded pretty crazy, but it was the only thing I had for an explanation so I chose to trust it.

We talked all the way till the sun shone thought the window next to my bed, making Damon's hair a shade lighter than normal. Once it was about 8 in the morning Damon decided it was time to get ready for school.

"I think that the uniforms are already in our closets, I'll go take my shower, while you can check out what we have to wear" he walked to one of the three doors located in my room and opened it. "I'll see you in a sec." He said, outside the door of what I was now deciding to call our apartment since it was two bedrooms joined together.

I made my way to a door that I assumed was my closet because one was open and led to Damon's room and the other was the one Damon had just walked out of. I opened it up and inside was a walk-in closet, filled with red and black garments.All the clothing in here looked like they were for some prep school, but I guess they have to keep up appearances so that people don't get suspicious of what the school was actually for.

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