Damon's Decison

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Arianna's POV

Walking home with Damon was nerve racking. I wasn't sure what I was going to find out, or how my life was going to be from here on. I realized that my life was about to change dramatically, and I wasn't sure how to handle it. I also felt horrible that Damon was being dragged into everything, but there was no way he was going to leave now. We were walking down the last street when he finally spoke.

"Your sure you want to do this?" 

 I looked straight in his eyes, "No, but this is what I have to do, I don't want to live my life in the dark anymore, my mom knew who I was this entire time but didn't tell me. I'm ready to know now."

We walked to the front door and stepped inside. My mom was sitting on the couch, she looked like she had gotten control of herself and stopped crying, Mr.Lee was standing next to her looking smug, like he had no doubt that I would be back sooner or later.

"Hello Arianna, I'm glad you've come to your senses." Mr. Lee said. Damon and I walked inside and sat on the couch across from them. I hated his complacent attitude. 

"Look I need to know whats going on, and I want to know why Damon's involved." My mom who had been avoiding eye contact finally looked at me, with sad eyes.

"I never told you any of this, and I don't regret it. I wanted you to have a chance at a normal life as long as possible." she turned to Damon "and honey, I'm so sorry that your involved but you always have been. Arianna's father picked you to be her guardian, and that's why we moved here, you guys meeting wasn't a coincidence." 

Mr.Lee stepped in. "Okay, the general point is that you are, in fact a vampire Arianna. Your father was, and so are you. There aren't very many vampires in this world now, we've been hunted and killed due to wrong perceptions of us. You will learn about our history, and about yourself. You and your guardian will be coming with me once we figure out the arrangements."

While all this was going through my mind I looked at Damon, who looked scared and confused, I realized that this was different for him, I always had a feeling that I was different but he was normal. Me? I was a loner who never talked to anyone except for him, but he had a life here, he had a family and dreams. And now here he was getting his life turned upside down all because of me. I felt horrible. " Damon, isn't coming with me." I said looking away from him. " He has a life here and I want him to finish it, without my craziness invading it. "

"I'm sorry Arianna but that wont work" Mr. Lee stated. " He is your guardian, it is his job to keep you safe and assist you in all types of difficulties." I'm not sure when, but I had started crying again. I hated that I was ruining his life and couldn't do anything about it. And I still honestly needed some more information, because I just wasn't comprehending everything.

I decided to start with a question that was never answered for me, as much as I had asked my mother growing up, she never told me anything more then that his name was Luca, and he had died in a car accident. I understood why now, considering that he was a vampire and all.

"Mom, who was my dad?"

"Your father was an amazing man Arianna. He loved both of us. The night I met him was the same night that he saved my life. I had been out drinking with a bunch of my friends and I stupidly decided that I could drive myself home. I don't remember much, but your father said that he had been out that night also and when he saw my car swerving in the road that he got worried because it was a really stormy. That was how your father was." She smiled to herself. " always looking out for others, even if they were strangers. I swerved off the road and hit a tree head-on and your father pulled me out of the mess. He used to say that when he opened my door to pull me out even through all the mess he had to pause for a moment just to admire me. Once I woke up in the hospital him and his guardian; Tobias, were there. Waking up I knew he was the one. It took him awhile to reveal himself to me because he lived a dangerous life, but we both wanted a child and he wanted me to know before we started a life together. Of course I freaked out a little bit but I loved him enough to look past that. Once you were born he located your guardian" She turned towards Damon " and we moved here. I never knew why you were chosen Damon, but you were, and he didn't even tell me who you were. Luca just said that this was where we needed to be to find you. But as soon as you told me that you needed to ride to the hospital with us when you guys were little, I knew you were her guardian. I know I told you your father died in a car accident, but that's not what really happened. You were about five when one day I woke up and he was gone. He left a note but it was vague, saying that he loved both of us, but had something to take care of."

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