Meeting Jax

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Damon's POV

Looking around I was amazed, everything inside looked like it was from an old movie. The front door opened to a large corridor which led to a grand staircase and two doors on either side.  The floors and walls were wood it was a dark mahogany, and the floors were also interspersed with deep maroon carpets wearing gold trimmings. There were antiques everywhere, if Air had been awake she would have loved it, she'd always had a thing for vintage crap.

"The students are attending classes right now, bedrooms are on the second floor, your names should already be on the room you were assigned. Get some rest, you won't be expected to attend classes until she wakes up." Mr. Lee started to walk away.

"Wait," I called after him.

He turned around and raised an eyebrow "yes?"

"Uhm, I was wondering, were is your guardian?" I asked cautiously.

His face turned dark as a grim frown crept onto his face. "There's a reason my job is to mark children vampires and not fight" with that said he turned and left the room.

I walked up the stairs slowly, careful not to hurt Arianna in any way. When I got to the top there were hallways on either side of me, I chose to go down the one on my right and walked slowly looking at each door. On the wall to my right were rooms and the left were bathrooms. I also noticed that on each room door were two name tags with the various names of the other students when I reached the end of the hallway it turned right.

I walked with Air sleeping like a rock in my arms, keeping an eye out for our room but not really paying attention to the others, I turned at the end of the hallway to find another.

This place was like a maze, Lee could've at least told me if it was on this side of the house or not. Frustrated, I noticed that I was nearing the end of the hallway and discovered that it led to another staircase.

Two rooms before the stairs, I nearly walked right past our room before smiling and backing up.



I opened the door to find a similar sight, the room was full of Arianna's things. Her floral bed spread, on a four poster bed, and her millions of extra pillows. Her giant book collection and all of her favorite band posters on the wall. Even her teddy bear that I got her like 3 years ago at a fair we went to.

Walking over to the bed I carefully put her down and covered her up, and laid her bag down on the floor. I looked back at her, her hair was sprawled around her and her face was smooth, void of any sadness these past few days have caused her. I leaned over her closed my eyes and kissed her forehead, keeping my eyes closed I sat up and marveled over just how much pain it caused me.

An unknown voice broke the silence "You know; kissing pretty girls while they're sleeping is often perceived as creepy ." I slowly opened my eyes to find a guy leaning in the doorway. He wore a black blazer with a red circle over his right shoulder, black slacks and black shoes. His skin was pale and he was slim, with long messy black hair that reached just above his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing green, and it was hard not to notice that they were staring straight at Air.

I let the anger get the best of me and growled causing the guys eyes to turn towards mine.

He held his hands up defensively "Hey dude, only joking," he smiled and walked inside holding out his hand " My name's Jax" I smiled back and shook his hand, he seemed nice enough.

"Damon" I replied.

" I know" he replied and pointed to the door where our names were posted. " and that must be Arianna?' he asked looking down at her again.

"Yea, Mr. Lee said she would sleep awhile" I couldn't help but glare at him for looking at her, even though it was harmless. I moved to be in between his line of sight

Jax laughed " yea I remember when I first got here, slept an entire week. " he replied smiling.

"So your a vampire then huh? Well apparently, I'm a werewolf" I rolled my eyes, smirking.

" Yea dude, the growling gives you away"

I laughed and looked around. "So, where do I sleep?" Jax pointed to a door on the other side of Air's room that I hadn't cared to even notice before now. I walked over with him in tow and opened the door. My room also had all my stuff, whatever Lee had done to my parents, at least they sent my stuff.

"I see that you guys are quite different" Jax chimed, admiring the difference in rooms. My comforter was a bright blue, and my walls were covered in my sports posters. The shelves were full of all my trophies and half of my room had all my weights I use to work out with. My flat screen and Xbox were also here.

Jax looked around admiring my collection of video games. "Well I just wanted to come introduce my self, my guardian is out training so you can meet her later, it was nice to meet you though." he smiled and looked out the door to Arianna " I didn't really meet her, but once she wakes up welcome her for me?" he started to walk out but before he reached the door to the hallway he turned around. "Oh and one more thing, watch out for her in here, there are a couple of shady guys in here." he swept his hair away from his eyes and then walked away.

To be honest if I hadn't gotten to know Jax in the few minutes we had together, I would have placed him in the shady guy category, so it seemed a bit ironic that he was telling me that. No matter, I wouldn't take his warning for granted.

I walked over to Arianna's bedroom and shut off the lights, and pulled the covers a bit more over her. I walked over to the door that led into the hallway, and closed that, then walked to my own bedroom and changed into some basketball shorts and climbed into bed. My mind drifted to Mr.Lee and what he said this morning.

"There's a reason my job is to mark children vampires and not fight"

What had happened to Mr. lee's Guardian?


Hope you enjoy :) vote and comment !! Love you guys!!!

P.S if any of you have suggestions or questions either comment or PM me, I'm writing the book as I go so and suggestions will definitely be considered :)

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