Shes Mine.

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Red, hot, searing pain flooded my body; it's all I could feel, all I could think about. Every bone in my body snapping and shifting, I couldn't see anything as my eyesight went in out of blurriness. 

I fell to the floor as my fingers started to elongate into claws and my spine contorted and aligned differently, my screams filled the corridor as my face changed. I heard Arianna yell my name and then footsteps coming into the hallway. 

I closed my eyes and tried to focus through the agony in some attempt to stop the transformation that was taking place in my body, and that is when I heard it. 

Wake up

It was my own voice, but different, more ancient, more instinctual. 

Wake up you stupid fuck and just let it happen. 

What the Hell? This must be my wolf, damn he's got character. After a minute or two of more defining torment I felt my wolf push me aside and and take over, I was still consciously there, this form of myself however, was now partially in control.

I opened my eyes and everything was different. I could see things better and I could smell everything. Arianna was sitting beside me looking starstruck and the kid that egged me on was standing a  couple feet away with a curious look on his face. I hopped up between them and crouched in a defensive position letting out a menacing growl and snapping my now razor sharp teeth. Two new people had showed up as well, it was Jax and Dallas who were standing behind him. 

"Damon you need to calm down! I don't know why you turned so fast but you can't turn in here it's against the rules." It was Dallas speaking. I let out another growl and took a step toward the guy. 

Don't listen to them he was touching her.

I took another step making the fucker take a step backwards. 

Jax spoke now " Arianna talk to him! Calm him down or he's going to hurt Maliki." 

"Damon" Her voice snapped me back to reality, it was strong and smooth, I turned to look at her and watched as her eyes turned purple. She was still just sitting there watching everything go down, as beautiful as ever. "Damon please calm down now." my racing heart started to slow and I walked towards her on all fours. It was then I realized she hadn't spoken aloud but in my head, she wasn't just speaking to me but to my wolf as well, and he was listening. 


I stared into the blue eyes of the giant beautiful wolf that stood before me.

"Damon please calm down" I spoke to him in his mind, something I had no clue how I was doing. His coat was snow white not a spec of color except the two thick black lines on his left side which were ink black. A voice spoke back to me but sounded different than Damons.

He touched you. He can't do that. 

"Damon please just calm down, that was nothing, we just met please please calm down before you get in trouble."

I watched as Damon padded in front of me and layed down with his head between his paws and let out a whine and layed down his ears. I placed my hand on his head, his fur was soft and smooth. "Thank you" I said aloud. I looked up to see Maliki, Jax and Dallas staring intently at the situation before us looking confused and alarmed. 

It was then that Mr. Vasile rushed into the corridor and slowly processed the scenario. 

"Jax, you and Dallas go get Mr. Jonas and bring him here, Maliki you can go finish your lunch."

I watched as the three students left and I kept my hand on Damon's head realizing that it was helping him stay calm. 

"Mr. Vasile, why did he change so fast? I thought this wasn't supposed to happen yet?"

"Something must have triggered this response, what happened before he changed?"

"I was just standing here with Maliki talking about the painting, I think he saw Maliki fix my tie and that set him off."

The gorgeous teacher nodded his head slowly and looked around thinking. "I see."

The man that showed up next was huge and I was guessing he was Mr.Jonas, he had tattoos lining his right arm that showed a collage of skulls and a compass and a bunch of other things that made him look even more menacing. His dark hair was cropped short and he was toned beyond anyone I'd ever seen. It was obvious he was a werewolf, but was surprising was that his face was soft and welcoming, it was very ironic considering the rest of his body.

"How'd this happen?" He asked Mr. Vasile. 

"Arianna and Damon are new students, it seems that Damon was somehow triggered and turned, I'm not sure how or why."

"How long has she been awake?"

"Barely a day." Mr. Vasile replied looking straight at Damon. Mr. Jonas nodded and walked over to us and crouched in front of me. Damon let out a small grumble but stopped when I gave him a look. 

"Damon I'm going to need you to do something for me, Its a lot harder to change back your first time than it is to change. You realize the pain it caused when you changed so its instinct not to force that upon yourself again. I need you to do it anyways though, and Arianna I need you to help him okay?

"How ?" 

"Just make sure he knows you're here for him and its safe for him to change back." I nodded okay and spoke to Damon in his mind again "Damon it's okay, you can do this." His wolf self nodded. 

I watched as he slowly and painfully changed back to the Damon I knew and averted my eyes when I realized he was now naked and totally unconscious. 

I bent down felt his forehead " Whats wrong with him?" 

"It just took a lot out of him that's all, whenever most of us change we normally pass out for a couple of hours afterwards." Mr. Jonas explained. I watched protectively as two men with a stretcher and a blanket came and retrieved Damon and took him to the Infirmary. 


I woke up with Arianna's head on the side of the bed I was laying in. She was sitting in a chair next to the bed and must have fallen asleep. Her long hair was down and fell all around her, and the sun was making it almost white. We were in a hospital like room that was extremely long and had a row of beds along the wall. 

On the small table beside my bed there were folded clothes that Air must've grabbed for me and a bottle of water. I chugged the water and then slipped on underwear and shorts, careful not to wake her up. 

Shes really beautiful. 

What the fuck you're still here? 

I am you, I am just your wolf half, now that you changed you've become aware of me that's all-I've always been here.

Great now I'm going to be talking to myself all the time. This is crazy. All of this is crazy, I just turned into a damn wolf, the girl I love is a vampire and I don't even know how to handle all this shit. 

Crazy or not, this is real, I'm real and shes real. And were going to protect her.

Damn right were going to protect her Jesus that's my job, it always has been, its just a lot more complicated now. I looked fondly at the sleeping girl beside me and remembered how good it felt when she had laid her hand on my head while I was transformed, she made everything seem like it was all going to be okay, just with that one gesture. 

She's mine. 

Shes mine. 

We both thought in unison. 



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