Happy Birthday

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My eyes were wide as I shot up clutching my neck, the sheets around me covered in sweat. Looking at my alarm clock, I saw it was 4:30 AM. No point in trying to go back to sleep, I would just have to get up again anyway. As I undressed and got in the shower I couldn't help but think of my scary, vivid dream and if thats how I really got my mark. I knew almost every thing in that dream was impossible but I couldn't help but think it was real..... It felt right.

Today was a day I wasn't looking forward to, it was my first day of junior year, and my birthday also fell on this very same day. It's been about eight years since my birthday was actually fun. Those were the days when I got to dress up, and ignored the fact I had a tattoo on my neck that my mom always said I was "born" with. The thing had given me millions of problems, and all it consisted of was two thick black lines on the left side of my neck. Luckily, my hair is thick, and long enough so that it basically covers it.

Finally stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back to my room. After looking through my wardrobe for about five minutes, I eventually chose some cuttoff shorts and a black flowy tank-top . To finish up, I went to my mirror and applied some makeup, straightened my hair, and looked at myself. My almost white hair went to my mid-waist. I wasn't fat, but I also wasn't weirdly super skinny looking either. This will just have to do, I thought to myself as I heard foot steps coming up the stairs. The knock on the door shattered my self insecurity thoughts.

"Yea?" I shouted through my closed door.  

 "Happy Birthday ! " my mom and my best friend Damon shouted, walking through the door holding gift bags and presents.  

"Oh my gosh guys, you didn't have to get me anything." I said, looking at all the gifts in their arms. 

"The hell with not getting you anything Arianna, it's your eighteenth birthday, you've got to have presents." Damon said, giving me a look, and ignoring the one he got from my mom when he cursed.

Damon was already eighteen he has blonde hair, and blue eyes, and he's seriously tall. We've been best friends since first grade. The day we met, I'd had the bright idea to climb up the tallest tree on the playground and got too scared to come back down. Damon was the only kid brave enough to come and get me . He climbed all the way up to me and talked me into climbing back down with him. Even with his soothing words however, I slipped on one of the branches and fell about seven feet to the ground. When I reached the hard dirt I knew I had broken something. I hurt so bad that I blacked out. When I woke up in my room, I saw seven year-old Damon, sitting in a chair with my mother standing behind him. They explained that I'd fallen but evidently hadn't even gotten a bruise, and that I was lucky. I guessed I'd just been overreacting, but I swear I broke my arm that day. Ever since then, Damon has been by my side standing up for me and being there for me.

"Alright, most of them are for tonight, but I want you to open this one. " my mom said handing me a small purple box, and looking up at me with her dark brown eyes. I always wondered why I look nothing like my mom, she has brunette hair, dark eyes, and all the right curves. While I'm over here with platinum hair, blue/white eyes and slight but still noticeable chest, my father left us before I was born, so I must have gotten a most of his traits than my mothers.

Taking the box and opening it, I saw a necklace, the pendant was a dark hue purple stone with dark metal swirls around it. It was obviously very old maybe a family heirloom.

"It's beautiful, thank you so much,  Where did you get this? " I said as Damon came around and clasped it around my neck.  

 "I've been waiting to give this to you for a long time, It came from your fathers side of the family." she answered, wiping a tear from her face. 

"Mom! Don't cry, I'm only turning eighteen." I yelled while walking up to hug her.  

"I know, I know " she said hugging me back tightly, then pulling back to look at me. 

"You know I'll always be there for you, right?" she said, looking into my eyes.  

"Of course I do " I answered. That was a little weird, she looked really serious.  

"I think we better get going" Damon announced, making me forget about my suspicion.  

"Alright, you guys have fun " my mom said smiling, as I grabbed my phone and my backpack. 

"Yeah bye, love you" I said walking out the door, and heading for Damon's truck.

He was already there with some country music on. I got in and we took off. The high school was about thirty minutes away from my house, and I was dreading how fast it was approaching. Its not that I dont like school, I'm in all honors classes, and have A's in all of them, I learn fast. When I learned to ride a bike, all I had to do was get on. 

What I was worried about was the people. The other kids and the teachers, everyone except Damon and my mom was always afraid of me. I always thought it was weird, I'm only five foot three and about a hundred and fifteen pounds, but when I talk to anyone all they want to do is get away. They tap there fingers or feet, and sweat, and their eyes dart around, but they never leave unitll I do. So I tend to stay alone or by Damon, and try my hardest not to talk to anyone. I've talked to Damon about it and asked if he noticed, but he just says that they aren't used to me talking. The sick thing about all of it is, I like it. I like knowing they're uncomfortable around me, but  that they still want to stay. I like feeling like I'm almost in control. But thats why I have to stay away, I know feeling that way is wrong but ....I cant help it.


Hey, im sorry for the wait schools been crazyyy!! but thank you sosososososoosooso much for reading I was tottally scared that no one would like this but so relived that you did :) this chapter is dedicated to @Rastalove for helping me so much :) oh and ik its kinda short but im tryin to make them longer ♡♡♡

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