Im a vampire...

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Damon's POV

Waking up, I saw three people; my best friend, her mother, and my attacker. I was still on the ground, my head in Arianna's hands. Looking up, she was silently crying, and before I could say anything, she got up and ran out of the room faster than my eyes could follow. Impossibly fast, leaving the front door wide open.

I wasn't mad, I just didn't entirely understand exactly what happened and my mind couldn't rationalize the meaning of it. Arianna had just bitten me...and sucked my blood. And of course that could only mean one thing; Arianna was a vampire. Which was entirely impossible, but that was the only explanation I could think of.

"You both have a lot of explaining to do." I said as I made a decision. I got up and walked out the door, slamming it behind me.  In a way, I always suspected that Air was different, but I could have never expected this. I mean no one really expects their best friend to be something you see in movies or read in books, something that is supposed to be make-believe.

That didn't mean that she should be ashamed about it, or feel bad. No matter what, she was, and always will be, my best friend, even if she isn't human.  

 About halfway down the street, I realized that I had no way of knowing where she was, and at the speed she ran out of the house, she could be out of Florida by now. I looked around; I stood in the middle of the street and just looked. It's not like she was going to be there, but that's all I could do at the moment. And then I knew, I don't know how I knew, but I did. She was at the ice cream shop. I started running, it was only a couple blocks away, and it wouldn't take too long to get there.     

I was a turn away from being there when I felt an intense burning on the right side of my abdomen. I ignored it though, and kept running. By then, I normally would of been out of breath but i wasn't. My head hurt, and I was getting pretty dizzy, perhaps from the blood loss, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding her.

Reaching the shop, I knew exactly where she was. I walked around back, and looked to the roof. She was sitting there, I couldn't see her very clearly but I knew it was her. She was sitting on the edge, feet dangling, looking at the sky. 

"Come down here Arianna" I yelled up to her.

"What are you doing here Damon; I don't want to hurt you again"

 "You didn't hurt me, I'm fine." And that's when I doubled over in pain.

 She hopped down effortlessly, and ran over to me.

"Whats wrong?" she asked. I grabbed my stomach where the burning had intensified even more. She grabbed my shirt, and pulled it up. Looking down, we both noticed that the mark she never knew how she got, the exact same one, was now tattooed on me. Two thick black lines about five inches long, were on the right side of my stomach.

"Whoa" I said dumbfoundedly, she looked at me with tears running down her face.

 "Whats wrong?" I asked "I'm fine."

"That's not the point Damon." she said slightly raising her voice,  "the point is, that I got you involved in this crazy situation."

"What are you talking about?" I replied, "if you biting me, and me getting this tattoo, or whatever the hell it is, meant that I got to meet you. I don't care. Don't you understand? I'm with you all the way Air, no matter what." The tears running down her face made my stomach churn, I hated to see her cry. 

"Look at me, I'm not normal. I'm a freak, I bit you, and sucked your blood and I liked it. I'm a vampire." she said in an incredulous tone, as if she was just now coming to the conclusion. I looked her straight in the eyes, and smiled.

"You've never been normal Arianna. I knew that from the first day I met you. I didn't care then, and I don't care now." I took her in my arms, and hugged her. I thought about telling her right then and there. Telling her that I loved her, telling her that I always have. We could run away, and figure this whole thing out. But then she spoke into my chest.

"We have to go back." I pulled her away so I could look at her face.


"We have to go back, I have to find out what this all means, and why it happened to me." she said desperately.

"Are you sure?" I asked sincerely.

"Yes, and if you don't want to come, you don't have to, this isn't your problem."

"I'm coming." I said with finality," I told you before that I will always be there, and that's not changing." We stepped apart, and started making our way back to all the crazy.


Thanks for reading everyone !!!! hope you guys like everything so far, comment and vote :)


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