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Damon's POV

 All I knew was that everything was succumbed into complete, and utter darkness. 

The last thing I could recall was driving, hitting something, and then blacking out. The uncanny part though was that I could still think and feel what was happening. I couldn't on the other hand, use my body, I was paralyzed. I tried opening my eyes, or even moving my fingers, but my efforts were futile. My mind was a little fuzzy, but it was better than nothing. I felt my body get picked up and slung across someone's shoulder.

"Sorry about this mate, but your of use to me at the moment." I faintly heard the man who was carrying me say with an accent I couldn't place. Then we were moving fast, very, very fast. It felt like we were in a car. I couldn't tell the direction, so I didn't know where we were going, but wherever it was I didn't want to find out.

Why the hell would some random crazy guy want me? And how am I of use to him? I'm just a normal old guy in a small town. I'm not even the type of guy somebody would want to go after. Sure, I've smoked a couple times here and there, and got in a few fights, but other than that I basically go to school and hang out with Air.

I was lost in my thoughts on why in the world someone would want me of all people, when we stopped. I heard a doorbell ring, the door opened and then I heard something that scared me even more then my own life being in danger.

I heard Katarina, Arianna's mother, yelling about something. My mind was racing and trying to put things together, if Katarina was yelling then that meant we were at Airs house. Some wacko guy was in Airs house. And me? I was in some decapitated state, one where I was in no place to help the girl I secretly loved and would do anything to protect. Amid the yelling between the man and Katarina, I heard Airs voice once in awhile, and she sounded scared.

I was finally regaining some movement and I could move my fingers. But before I could do anything, I was being moved again. The man moved forward and set me on the ground. God, I hate not being able to control my body. I was defenseless and helpless, it made me so mad. Pretty much my whole life has been about keeping Air safe, and then when it came down to when she really needs me I'm not even able to fucking move.

 I could even remember saving her the first day we met, it was in first grade. Well, you could say it was an attempt to save her in the least. I remember standing with a couple of my friends kicking a soccer ball around, when in the distance I saw a small girl from my class climbing up a tree, a awfully tall tree at that. She was pretty dang good at it too, leaping from branch to branch with amazing balance. The girl never spoke in class so I wasn't sure of her name, but by the time she had gotten to the top I had started to wander over. She'd gotten to the top, but now the girl was just sitting there.

 "Need some help?" I shouted to the top. 

She didn't answer me, but I climbed about half way up the tree anyway, without half the gracefulness she had.  I coaxed her to come down the tree, and then started down myself. By the time I reached the ground, she'd made her way to about mid-tree, but as she was stepping down from one branch it snapped. 

In slow motion, I saw her fall. It's probably a horrible thing to say, but in hindsight the plunge was beautiful, she looked like an angel falling to the earth. Her blonde hair whipping around in the wind, and she didn't even scream, she just fell. 

Time sped back up when she hit the ground. The sound of broken bone hit my ears, and I ran to her. My six year old self was scared out of its mind. I'm somewhat convinced that I thought she was dead to be honest. I ran to the nearest teacher and she called an ambulance. Her mom showed up, and I begged her to let me go to the hospital with them. When they got there, and she was cleared, I was amazed. I wasn't that smart, but I could tell when someone was badly hurt and she definitely got hurt in that fall. The girl's mother called mine and explained everything. I asked my mom if I could stay until she woke up, and I did. It only took about ten minutes from the time her mother had taken us to her house for her to wake up. When she did wake, we talked until my mom came to pick me up. Ever since then, I've had this unearthly need to keep her safe, to stick by her side and look out for her. 

"That's it Arianna, follow your instincts." The next thing I knew, my head was in Arianna's gentle hands. I could tell it was her and not the man easily. For some reason her mom sounded like she was weeping in the background, but I felt safe in her hands. She turned my face away and then got really close, close enough that I could feel her breath on my neck. For a moment I thought she was going to kiss me. My heart sped up to a million beats per second and I'm sure my face was beet red. 

But then came the pain. 

It only lasted an instant, because after was absolute bliss. I had no idea what was going on, but I didn't really care. It was the best feeling I'd ever felt before. It was like being high, but better. It was like having complete happiness. However, it was all over in a second, and in that second, I also realized two things;

One, was that I was now fully conscious.

Two, was that Air had just bitten me.

What the Hell..?

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