ARC 1.13

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" Fucking move! move ! "

" Get on the car quickly they are gonna catch us. "

One boy and girl are being chased by the cops, they got into a black sportscar and quickly drove away from that place  leaving the police behind them.

" Liz they are catching up with us. Increase the speed quickly. "

The girl is relax as if what the boy said isn't important at all whereas the boy was extremely nervous continuously checking behind their car. The girl to appease him finally increased the speed and after a few twist and turns they finally lost the cop cars behind them.

Well they are our lovrly MC and Snow_flakes. Today is the day they decided to hangout together.

" Man it was awesome. Liz I never knew breaking laws are these much fun. "

" Come on Snow we didn't break any law ok  ? All we did was to tresspass and vandalize several private and public properties. And...and...O yes getting banned from several shopping malls nothing else. "

" You know I am glad that you are my friend Liz. After knowing that you are both Rebel and Clarity I really thought that you are going to hate me. "

Liza quitely look at the young male in front of her. He was an exact replica of her when she was innocent, carefree and ignorant of all the dangers, betrayal and pain. Liza if possible really doesn't want him to be tainted as her.

" You are a great person yourself Snow.  I can't never hate such a good person like you Snow. Moreover I am glad to be your friend. "

Snow just giggled Liza smiled and continue driving. From outside it was looking perfectly normal but inside her mind Liza is already rolling on the ground out of happiness. The cuteness of a total bottom is dangerous. She clutched her heart in her mind from the  cuteness of Snow. After quite sometime did she calm her fujoshi heart and asked....
                                   " I have a grudge on that leader of yours. You are completely innocent so why would I be angry with you huh ? "

Snow shook his head beforr saying

" Night is not bad really. Its just he is in a tight spot right now. Liza this year's WorldChampionships is really important for him and his family. As his friends we are just doing our best to help him. So....."

Liza cut him off saying.

" Snow look I may not have any idea of the reasons or situations of him and his real life issues but it does not mean he will just go killing me. I would not have any problem if he killed me in a duel or PK but I was fucking offline and he killed me like a coward. I can't forgive him Snow. "

Liza said angrily in her heart she has already torture the ML thousand times cutting him into tiny pieces and throw them in the sea to feed piranhas. Snow just sighs before saying for a last time.

" Liz I know and look I am not telling you to forgive him at all I just hope you can fight alongside with us in the World Championship this year. And K- I mean Night was really desperate at that time so he did something foolish you can punish him any way you want so I just hope you can help us in this year's Championship. Please Liza if you don't help us then his family will be ruined so please think about it before you  decide."

Liza became silent she really don't know what to say. The look on his face is real she can tell that he is telling the truth. Moreover Eli also isn't giving her the after plot no matter what she says. According to Eli since it is her first world she is denied from having any information except the main plot.

Both Liza and Snow kept silent and didn't say anything else. Snow has already told her everything and now the rest depends on her. Afterall they can't force now can they.

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