037 ; preferences

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note: my friends are blowing up my gc LOL


your first argument

pop smoke:
he was doing drugs near your child

I walked into the house and heard my baby crying. 

'why ain't this nigga trying to comfort my child' I thought, walking upstairs.

upon entering our room, I found this nigga high as fuck, weed spread on one of our nightstands, and our baby in her bassinette.

My eyes widened in rage as I screamed and shook bashar awake.

"Bashar what the fuck?! Why are you smoking near my child- why are you smoking in the house!" I screamed.

"Ma it ain't that deep-" He tried to brush it off.

"No get out" I said pointing to the room door. "Wha-" he tried speaking before getting cut off. "out." I deadpanned.

With that, he left.

・lil mosey:
You caught him cheating with a girl from his video

I exited the movie theatre in me and Mosey's shared house. I heard whispering coming from our bedroom, making me suspicious.

'I wish I caught this nigga cheating' I whispered.

I waited a few seconds before busting thru the door, seeing mosey pushing some skank thru the window. My eyes widened for a few second before my face contorted into a look of anger as they stared at me in shock.

"oh, well imma just leave but first" I said, walking over to Mosey, punching him in the nose then pushing the girl out the window naked.

"now I'll go"

・lil tjay:
he makes it seem like he doesn't care about you

"So then I was like- are you even listening?" you asked your boyfriend of 2 months, Tione. He looked up from his phone, obviously confused.

"What did you say?" he asked, awkwardly, making you annoyed.

"So you're telling me, I've been talking to you this whole time and you haven't been listening? Bruh Tione you're my boyfriend, you're supposed to help me with my problems, not ignore me" I said, getting angry cos he went back to typing.

I grabbed his phone. "Ayo gimme my phone back," he said, reaching for it.

"Fine, but don't use that same phone to call me when I leave," I said, getting up and putting on my coat.

・brent Faiyaz:
He really annoyed you (You're on your period)

"Bae" Brent said, poking my arm. I ignored him and continued scrolling thru my phone.

"Babeeeee" he dragged out. "I'm hungryyyyy" he continued. A cramp hit me, making me stiffen from the pain.

"Babyy-" he said, attempting to poke me, making me snap on him.

"Brent Shut up oh my god I'm in pain b-but you're not making it any better" I said, breaking down.

He chuckled and hugged me. "So I guess I'm making dinner tonight"

・ynw Melly:
Melvin is to aggressive and you talk to him about it

"Mel, We gotta talk" I said, walking into the living room. I saw Melly look at me from the tv.

"Bro don't tell me you cheated or you breaking up with me or else-" He said.

"No, not that, listen" I said, sitting down besides him.

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