4. Into The Universe Factory

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{ Where have you been these days? }

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{ Where have you been these days? }

[JIHOON] was absent-mindlessly chewing on his bottom lip. the track didn't feel right. his voice didn't sound right. something was off. a soft beep came from behind him. soonyoung's head poked through, "you busy?" he walked in, two bottles of strawberry latte in his hands, along with a restock of coke cans for the mini fridge. jihoon was confused until soonyoung reminded him, "i'm making it up to you, remember?"

"ah..." he trailed. "also no, i'm not busy...- well... maybe a little." jihoon spun his cursor in circles on his screen around the point where he paused his track. soonyoung filled up the fridge and cracked a bottle of the strawberry drink open after shaking it. "something's off." jihoon muttered. soonyoung asked to listen. nothing seemed wrong to him. except one thing, actually.

"these lyrics..." he looked at jihoon, who seemed even smaller in his gamer chair ("it's for comfort," he had said). jihoon looked back up at him with large eyes, in the darkness of his studio.

soonyoung sighed softly and turned to sit on the couch, a sign that he was asking jihoon to do the same. the younger sighed as well; just thinking about having to explain what happened in his head was already tiring him out, but he sat next to soonyoung anyway. one second at a time, jihoon.

"what's going on, ji?" he knew soonyoung was serious now. "i...-"

"where's your notebook? or your lyric paper or whatever you have the lyrics on?" damn, soonyoung knew his methods all too well. the younger eventually turned in the loose sheets of printed paper with all sorts of scribbles and notes on it. as soonyoung was reading, jihoon sank further into the couch, head lolling back onto the headrest.

"is everything okay?" no answer. jihoon's head rolled onto soonyoung's shoulder. he rested his own on top of it. jihoon didn't bother moving. nor did he try to curse at him; he was too tired to. he was relieved soonyoung understood.

"you've been here a lot, haven't you?" jihoon nodded and soonyoung prodded for answers. "it's just... i need to do something, you know? fill my time. else i just think i'm wasting what i have..." jihoon's hand wandered to the warmth of soonyoung's thigh. soonyoung slipped his hand under and hummed to keep jihoon going while softly playing with his fingers.

"and also i have to work on seungkwan's covers... i can't keep up with the youngsters," he managed to joke. soonyoung snorted. "he has so many things he wants to do and i'm so excited for him to release them but then i realise that it all boils down to me; if i don't work, seungkwan doesn't have anything to put out for his fans." jihoon felt soonyoung's fingers slowly slip between his.

"jihoon-ah... you need to stop having this mentality that you have to complete these project right this second. you don't have to work on a deadline. seungkwan understands, his fans understand." soonyoung softly stroked the back of jihoon's soft hand with his thumb, "you need to take care of yourself, hoonie."

"i know! but i just can't help it. i always feel like i need to fill up my schedule. even if i'm exhausted to hell and back." soonyoung sighed, "is this why you never come home anymore?"

that struck a cord with jihoon. home... there were so many things unsaid in that one small little word. and jihoon felt soonyoung's little message, whether intentional or not. he sat up straight and looked at soonyoung in the eye, "home..."

jihoon scrambled off the couch to his notebook to scribble his thoughts. when he was ready, he came back to soonyoung.

a single phrase was written on the blank lined paper, "you are my home," jihoon whispered.

soonyoung looked like he understood.

"hoonie... i'm excited for the new things you're going to make, but right now i want you to rest." jihoon almost wanted to pout. he closed his notebook and placed it on his table, going back to his spot next to soonyoung.

"i want to start writing now... i wanna make my own songs as well too! i forgot to mention... ugh." jihoon once again rested his head on soonyoung's shoulder. "please sleep, ji. i haven't seen you around anywhere near a restable surface and i need you to get your eight hours." he patted jihoon's thigh softly. he snorted at the absurd amount. "alright, your five hours." soonyoung corrected.

"that's not good, ji." jihoon sleepily smiled, "i know, soon."

"here. sleep now. you can fit on this couch right?" jihoon wanted to glare at him but the call of the soft cushion resting against soonyoung's thighs was lulling him to comply. "of course you can..." soonyoung more muttered to himself.

"are you cold? hot? do you need anything-"
"yeah i need you to shut up so i can sleep, soonie."

"oh," soonyoung chuckled, raking back jihoon's hair. "okay. sleep now, hoonie. sweet dreams."

after a while of being on his phone, [SOONYOUNG] looked down to see jihoon peacefully asleep. something drew him to look and observe longer. the way jihoon's eyelashes rested so pretty against his pale skin, neon lighting bouncing off the walls and hitting jihoon's face so perfectly and the way his lips look so...-

soonyoung cut himself off. he gulped. fuck, maybe he really was in love with jihoon. oh no.

he clicked his phone shut. there was nothing he could do in this situation. jihoon was like a cat that had fallen asleep on him and now, he couldn't move. soonyoung sighed and lightly brushed his thumb over jihoon's cheek, smiling to himself at how peaceful jihoon looked.

soonyoung was incredibly concerned with jihoon's health and well-being. he hadn't been sleeping at their home for days. he guessed jihoon opted to pass out right at his desk instead. surely from the lack of sleep while working as late as ever.

soonyoung's heart hurt thinking about how much jihoon overworked himself. he tried so hard to constantly create but he never stopped. even though- yes- it was amazing that jihoon had this much drive, but there had to be a limit. soonyoung tried his hardest to keep jihoon from passing out at his desk even if it meant knocking him out like he had just did. hopefully it didn't come to that again...

with all these thoughts running through soonyoung's mind, he still managed to fall asleep as well. his heart still bore burden to help jihoon but he decided that it was all he could do right then.

sweet dreams...


a/n: HI! sorry for a longer wait this time LOL thinking abt updating at the end of the week again for no reason :P hope old readers see the changes and new ones enjoy this!!

soonhoon love u 우아해🍚 호라해🐯 stream that one anyone fancam of jihoon crop top thanks 👍🏻👍🏻

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