14. Now or Never

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{ Were we that intimidating

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{ Were we that intimidating...? }

"what?" jihoon lowered the volume a little. [SOONYOUNG] repeated himself, "i wanna go for chan's party."

"oh... good! good! yeah...! that's good, soonie."

jihoon looked at soonyoung, "you're going to fix things with mingyu and wonwoo, right?" soonyoung nodded, "i will. trust me, the night will go splendid." soonyoung caught the tail end of a smile on jihoon. "alright."

splendid? soonyoung fucking hoped so.

the rest of the week, he had to hype himself up. he honestly felt a bit stupid trying to conquer two big things at once but, shit, if things could be done faster then he was up for it.

first he texted seokmin asking if he could prepare two bottles of strawberry latte and two slices of their strawberry crepe cake.

eh? this sounds pretty romantic, seokmin typed alongside the side eyes emoji. soonyoung felt himself heat up, don't judge meeee, he replied with a sad face. after seokmin laughed, he agreed that he and joshua would do it.

he also asked about his tension with wonwoo and mingyu but soonyoung was quick to dispel his worries. i'll fix it, he said.

then he went to text chan. jihoon called him right as he hit send on a greeting.

"jihoon?" soonyoung asked. "hi. um." jihoon sounded nervous, "come to the studio. i... just want company." soonyoung relaxed and tried to bite back the smile growing and the warmth blossoming in his heart.

"yeah, okay. i'll be there."

when he reached, jihoon was sitting on the sofa and eating from a packet of chips. "i opened one and i couldn't finish it so you can have the rest." no greeting, straight to the point. oh, lee jihoon. "sure."

"i'll just... be working." he said, going back to his chair and slipping on headphones. "don't make a mess."

back to texting chan.

start small, jihoon's words rang in soonyoung's head. in a way, he was. he smiled to himself as he looked back up to see jihoon now bopping along to his own song. cute.

chan's numerous messages brought him back to his screen.

baby chan 🤗🤏🏻

what the hell
ur gonna text me hey chan and then not reply???

sorry i'm
i got distracted

what do u want

yk ur party thing on sat?

ur not planning to ruin it right 🗿

no 😘 wouldn't do that to u

okay good
then what r u texting me for

kinda wanna
c//nfess to jihoon

wait does he like u back


you Loser
but why r u asking me LOL

to unlock the roof
like u did for
yk who

for wonwoo and mingyu?


yeah okay

thank u so much

also speaking abt wonwoo-hyung and mingyu-hyung
are you gonna talk to them
also if ur gg to confess i'm assuming ur coming?

yeah but hopefully i don't stay too long to black out
i have missions to accomplish 💪🏻💪🏻

... right
so wonwoo mingyu?

um yeah
i'm going to fix it okay
don't worry
i won't ruin your party

okay good cus i would like to see our new friends drunk to decide if drinking out together is a good idea

wait is that why u host drinking parties at your house every time someone comes in?



saturday rolled around too fast for soonyoung to process. suddenly it was six in the evening and jihoon was making sure both people left the house that night. "you're going to make things right, okay soon?" soonyoung nodded. "okay then let's go."

the two rode the lift up to the top apartment floor and saw chan's door left invitingly open, with some people already inside helping to set up. as jihoon walked confidently towards the open door, soonyoung hung back a little to look through the glass doors to the rooftop. he didn't know how the night was going to go and it scared him to death.

only when jihoon's calm voice called out for him at chan's door that he snapped out of it, "coming!"

the first chance soonyoung got away from jihoon, he hunted down seokmin and asked about the cake and drinks. "fridge." seokmin answered in a hushed tone and gave a thumbs up. soonyoung went to check. he huffed as he shut the fridge door.

"soonie? the drinks are outside." ah, lee jihoon... you always know when to show up.

"i know, ji. just checking if i can raid anything else," he joked. "nothing at all."

soonyoung sat around nervously as people started trickling in. chan and jeonghan were merrily greeting at the door while seungcheol was chilling at the dining table like a guardian over the drinks.

by seven, soonyoung's reasons weren't there yet. he asked chan but he didn't know either. it was a tortuous fifteen minutes later that they showed up. the room fell to a lower volume, like an ominous being had just entered the room. soonyoung psyched himself up at their entrance.

now or never, kwon.

a/n: haha cliffhanger 😎 will update early next week before school starts on wednesday! (or when i suddenly feel good 👀) thanks for reading ily muah 😘💓💓

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