19. Unnecessary Discourse

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{ "Just

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{ "Just... why?" }

[MINGHAO] had arranged with junhui to meet at soonyoung's studio almost every day of the week to start and finish their project. after their lunch meeting the previous week, minghao tasked the two of them to come up with lyrics and words that they can incorporate into a song, whether through dance or music. this was to be sent to jihoon and they could discuss it for a week or so. minghao had it all planned out.

when junhui arrived at the building doors, minghao greeted him with a smile. "let's go to jihoon-hyung's studio." after letting them in, jihoon immediately opened with project related talk. minghao saw junhui trying to hide a smile and asked what was wrong. "oh, its just that the two of you work the same. work first, chatting second. i think it's funny." he answered in between little giggles. minghao felt a dull pain in his chest.

"efficiency is key, junhui." jihoon said, a slight smile on his lips.

they started covering their individual lists, adding and crossing out key words or phrases that they deemed non-beneficial to their final theme. it was truly efficient, like jihoon said. "so i've also brought a few samples for you guys. we can discuss which ones you like for the theme you chose and move on from there."

jihoon had five samples. junhui looked impressed when he saw the numerous colour coded layers for each sample and always requested to listen again because he wasn't paying attention. "sorry, i was just looking at the layers... let's do it again, sorry." minghao felt like laughing every time it happened.

junhui was so cute sometimes.

finally they chose track four. minghao liked the simplicity and the slow buildup. junhui liked how there was a repeating melody through the entire song. jihoon nodded, playing the track again in the background, "i thought it would've been interesting." junhui added, "at some parts it just blended with the other layers so it's like it was never there. then you hear it in, what i'm assuming is, the verse again. it's cool." he smiled. minghao was wowed.

"near the end though, it doesn't play," minghao pointed out. "we could say it..."

"my i?" all eyes turned to junhui. quickly forming words he stuttered, "oh, i thought we could call the song, dance- whatever- i thought we could call it 'my i'. since we're talking about struggles within oneself, it could be like two different sides of the same person; it's me but a second version. my own self. my i."


"wen junhui... you're amazing."

junhui looked back with a shy smile, his eyes sparkling with pink neon. minghao kept feeling like his heart was about to explode with every millisecond longer he locked eyes with junhui. he had this charm within him. minghao felt like he always learnt something new about junhui every day.

minghao snapped out of his trance when jihoon cleared his throat, "you can stare at each other all you want later. you told me you had a time crunch?" minghao stuttered, "u-uh... yeah, right. let's focus."

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