20. Spoiler

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{ "Light a fucking flame in my heart, why don't you?" }

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{ "Light a fucking flame in my heart, why don't you?" }

[JIHOON] took a deep breath before turning his phone off. "that chwe hansol..." he muttered, slipping down further in his chair. he swung himself side to side while staring at his track, humming the chorus of the future song. just then, his studio door beeped. soonyoung stood there in a white shirt and black track pants under a big navy coloured flannel. a black beanie rested on his head, making him look rounder than he already was. jihoon internally cooed at the thought.

"hi ji!" he chirped, settling down two cups. "hi soonie."

"i bought fruit teas!" soonyoung announced, unpacking the cups. "i saw a new store pop up on the delivery app and decided to try it. apparently, they just opened near Hug," he paused, staring a tired jihoon in the eye. "i'm worried for them." he went back to shaking the drinks and handed one to jihoon.

"worried for seokmin and shua-hyung?" jihoon asked, examining the drink. "nope. for that new store. Hug's obviously better." jihoon exploded into a chuckle as soonyoung plopped himself down on the sofa.

they both took sips of their drinks; their faces said it all.

"acK- soonyoung-ah, this is too sweet!" jihoon exclaimed, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head as if it would dilute the mountains of sugar he probably just drank. soonyoung kept making noises of disgust while pulling faces. he was glad no one else was around to capture them. "yeah, you're right," jihoon gasped after gulping half a water bottle and handing it to soonyoung. "they'll never break Hug."

he finished it all, "yeah... i told you."

after their tastebuds recovered, soonyoung asked what jihoon was doing before he arrived.

"working on the new song, like usual." soonyoung hummed, "myungho and junhui came this morning right?" jihoon nodded, "they've chosen the song already. i think they'll start working on their piece this week already." soonyoung hummed in surprise, "wow, that's quick."

jihoon paused for a moment, "i was actually thinking of adding lyrics," soonyoung was intrigued as jihoon pulled out two pieces of paper. a crisp piece of notebook paper and a scrap receipt. soonyoung laughed when he first caught sight of them. he wanted to guess which piece belonged to who and got it right. through laughter, jihoon explained for junhui, "he said he liked the feeling of ballpoint pen on the smooth receipt paper-" and they burst into giggles again.

jihoon showed soonyoung their keywords and phrases and explained their concept. soonyoung leaned back into the sofa, "interesting... maybe ask wonwoo about lyrics; he's incredibly poetic." he started chuckling, "do you remember that one night wonwoo and i were up at the same time and he posted this incredible piece of writing-" jihoon cut him off with an explosive laugh, "and you decided to upload a detailed drawing of a tiger? yeah! i'm so glad i saw it one after the other."

"that's why we're best friends, ji."

"sure, soon."

when jihoon was allowed to work again, he played through what would be the chorus part of his song and looked at the words on his notebook. he looked back at soonyoung quietly, admiring how he looked concentrating on his game. jihoon softly sighed, a small, happy smile resting on his face. he hummed a melody, thought about it and typed some lyrics.

어쩌겠어 난 너가 없으면
[ what do i do? without you ]

내 마음 편히 기댈 집이 없어
[ my heart has no home ]

[ because i'm your home ]

jihoon looked back at soonyoung and caught his smile unexpectedly. he froze but returned it with warmth filling in his heart. more words flooded into his mind. this time, he had to scratch them out into his notebook; they were streaming out too fast.

우리의 따뜻함을 그대로 간직하고 싶어
[ i want to cherish our warmth ]

어떤 누구라도 우리 사이 풀지 못해서
[ so no one can come between us ]

jihoon smiled, thinking about soonyoung the whole time. not for one second did he stop.

나는 너에게 있을 곳 // 너는 나에게 있을 곳
[ i'm the place you can come to
// you're the place i can go to ]

[ because you're my home ]

네가 울 수 있는 곳, 나도 울 수 있는 곳
[ the place where you can cry, the place where i can cry ]

his mind was so full of thoughts of soonyoung that once he finished scribbling down messy ideas, he gasped like he had been oxygen deprived for the past 15 minutes. naturally, soonyoung was alerted. "is everything okay, baby?"

jihoon choked. it wasn't like they weren't affectionate with each other but soonyoung doing it so casually... it was still unreal to jihoon that they were dating. soonyoung was right, nothing had changed in their daily lives. they acted the same, spoke the same and joked with each other the same way.

"i'm... i'm fine, soonie." jihoon reassured. "mm, okay. be careful, remember to breathe when you're thinking about me."

how the fuck did he know?

"was i right?" soonyoung was suddenly behind jihoon, arms wrapped around the back of the chair and hands crossing over jihoon's chest. jihoon looked upwards into soonyoung's eyes. "yeah... how did you-" soonyoung hummed in delight, "i always know."

soonyoung went to the side of the chair, using one of his hands to guide jihoon's little face to his lips. he let them linger a while more on jihoon's soft cheek and slowly drew back with a sly yet shy smile. jihoon felt his face burn, instinctively touching where soonyoung's lips had just been. he felt giddy and on fire, unable to form words.

he only registered soonyoung's chuckle as he went back to the sofa and the fire burning through his bones.

a/n: would y'all rather i keep the a/n in the comments or type it all out here :0 also Suddenly it's friday and it's been 5 days since last chap 😀 sorry 😭😭 both chapters have been published ehe

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