26. My Ode to You,

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{ "I'm not gonna ask what he meant by 'stay safe'" }

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{ "I'm not gonna ask what he meant by 'stay safe'" }

early afternoon on a friday, [JUNHUI] turned up at Avenue's lobby to wait for minghao. they were off to buy art supplies at a store nearby that minghao loved to purchase from. joshua found him waiting and started up a chat with him. "what is this shop called?" junhui scrolled back through his chat with minghao to find the name, "it's called 'Ode to You'. is this english?"

joshua chuckled, "ah, yeah it is. that's an interesting name. anyway, why're you going there?" junhui told him shyly that it was to shop for art materials, "we're having date night..." joshua pouted and cooed, "aw! that's so cute," the lift doors opened and minghao stepped out, immediately glowing pink when he realised joshua was present. "well, have fun! and be safe." he winked as he left through the glass sliding doors. junhui was stunned.

"what was shua-hyung doing?" minghao asked, linking arms with junhui on instinct as they left too. junhui stuttered, "uh- he was- he's going to the cafe." minghao hummed, "alright. anyway, let's go this way!"

throughout the shopping trip, [MINGHAO] felt like maybe he was being too imposing on junhui by telling him exactly what to get and how they should be used. after leaving the store, he decided to let junhui in on his thoughts. communication should be open, right?

junhui was understanding, "oh, dont worry. i never thought that way," minghao was relieved. "i was grateful for it anyway, i didn't know what the hell i was dong in that store." the two laughed as they walked back toward Avenue, taking a detour to head into Hug.

being a one-woman show behind the counter was jiwoo. she looked a little tired but that heart shaped smile never seemed to leave her face. minghao sympathised. "hi jiwoo!" it felt a little awkward to just greet her informally, but she seemed receptive to it and- well- they came here too often for it to be awkward. "hi! hi! anything i can get for you?" junhui and minghao looked at each other simultaneously. and cracked up, "maybe we'll get a cake? we can eat it after dinner." jiwoo perked up, "oh, please do! our boss worked hard this week and they came out perfect; see!"

their eyes travelled to the selection of cakes on display. junhui pointed out one he liked, "what's that?" jiwoo took a moment to identify it, "ah! it's an earl grey honey. quite sweet but so worth it." she smiled. junhui looked to minghao like he was asking for permission. minghao felt his expression change involuntarily and junhui was off selecting another one. "this?" "part of our newest menu! it's a lemon honey. light, creamy and fresh! total opposite to the first one. i recommend this if you're not into super sweet stuff." she nodded.

junhui looked again. minghao liked the sound of this cake. "we'll take it. two slices please!" junhui looked like he jumped for joy. minghao chuckled as he paid, "okay junnie. you picked dessert, i pick dinner." they continued walking back to avenue as the sky became one singular shade of rich blue. junhui shrugged, "i don't care. as long as there's this cake waiting for me at the end, i'm sold." and they brought their joyous laughter with them into the lifts and up to minghao's apartment.

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