A slow ride

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A shorter chapter this time, but I am working on the next one <3



Bruce could not get the haunting image out of his mind, the screaming piercing through in absolute chaos. The pool of blood gathered at his feet as one by one fell to the cold hard floor, his grip tightened on the steering wheel.

Letting out a shaky breath he fumbled with the radio and his faithful butler answered his call immediately. "Bruce thank heavens you're alright, I thought you.... you- "he sighed and the playboy smiled sympathetically at the sound, making a quick note to give the man a vacation. Hopefully, this time he will at least consider the offer, "It's okay Alfred, I'm alright...Sorry for not checking in sooner." He said licking his lips as the obscene costume popped in his head the maniac wearing a laced-up purple course, that strangely shapes the man very-

Grimacing at the very next thought his subconscious conjured up. He shook his head scowling and the action made chocolate-colored locks obscure his vision. Smoothing the tufts of brown back into place, he sharply inhaled.

Slowly building up the courage to speak of the homicidal clown, after a while of contemplating he finally stated ".... I ran into the Joker." His grip wavered on the steering wheel and his stomach did flips as his eyes darted toward the radio waiting for the other to speak.

Minutes passed and the playboy was very tempted to pronounce the news as a joke, scratching the back of his neck. The Butler finally responded. His words were laced with a displeased tone, the type where a legal guardian would use. "He sure knows how to make an entrance..." the playboy chuckled dryly at that, his thoughts periodically going back to the horrors he faced just hours ago.

The Joker singing a song from that distasteful movie the dancing was alright, after a while Alfred chirped up again stirring the billionaire from his thoughts "Well, what do you suppose we should do sir?" he inquired, and the playboy searched for a reply before declaring. "Let's keep an eye on him for now, he'll show his face...I just have to bait him...." Though the last part was mumbled, he hated the way his trusted Butler responded to it.

"Master Bruce, how do you plan on baiting a fish if it only bites back?" the playboy rolled his eyes before mocking a playful tone "Are you giving me a riddle?" the other chuckled lightly before continuing "Sir I suggest you get some rest first before dealing with this conundrum." Bruce almost scoffed at the suggestion, though the concept of sleep was tempting. He needed to stay awake to find the true answers he was seeking, and he knew just the guy.... Oswald Cobblepot.


Cliff hanger :P

I made a batjokes playlist on spotify just type in 'Yellow heart emoji Bats and Jokes green heart emoji' and look for my name ^^

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Things are about to get crazy xD

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