The Visitor

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Yuta fell down to the floor with some scabs and bruises across his arms. He let out a hoarse breath while Tamaki stood right over him, blades pointing at him. 

When he said he wasn't going to go easy, he meant it. Taking his father's steps, he took Yuta into  brutal training this week and, every time, when defeated, a shred of encouragement was lost from the newbie. 

"You let your guard down easily." Tamaki points out before withdrawing his swords to his belt, a hand heading towards him. "Firmly plant your feet to the ground and have a tight grip on that sword of yours." 

Gojo had suggested a katana for the new first-year but for Yuta, it made him a nervous wreck to wield a sharp blade in his grip. He watched Tamaki spar with Maki earlier and can't believe how impeccable he is with the blades he bestowed. Maki was strong too, deflecting his dual swords and fighting back with her pole arm. Both always at a tie but sometimes the occasional smirk or flirtatious joke she made would get her to best Tamaki. 

Yuta scowls and gets back up on his feet, holding his sword before Tamaki charges at him with full force. Metal clashes in the air and both remain quiet with the exception of grunts slipping out of their lips when one overwhelms the other. Tamaki narrowed his eyes and every time he hits, Yuta's grip loosens around the hilt. 

"Hold it like your life depends on it!" He screams, a harsh tone never heard from Yuta's ears. 

"E-ek!" The boy squeaks when his sword flies into the air before landing back on the ground, its sharp blade piercing the ground dirt beneath them. Tamaki huffed before sheathing his swords back. 

He completely dismantled him with one swift. 

Tamaki brushes his raven hair back before letting out an exhaust sigh. Even his Shikigami, Suki watched and looked disappointed to see Yuta on the floor.

"Yuta, are you even trying?" 

His eyes widened, 

"W-Well, I am, it's just-you're going a bit too brash on me-"

"No, that's not it." He shakes his head at him. "Fighting is more than just doing a few moves and making sure you get it all perfected..

But it's also about having a dream. A mindset." He adds, a step taken forward. 

"Yuta, do you have a dream?"

He nearly gasped at the question because the moment he said it, he let his mind wander and tried to grasp the answer to it all. 

But nothing shows up. 

"I..don't know.." He barely whispers but Tamaki could hear brief points to understand what he said. "To be honest, I never really thought of it.."

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