The Time Has Come

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[ a/n: the sequel one-shot to " Best Birthday Gift!" chapter ♡ ]

Alfred Franklin Jones

I feel terrible for what my wife have to suffer through, for the past 9 months. Other than the back pains, our baby boy isn't giving her the easiest time carrying him.

In some nights, we couldn't proceed and have a well-rested night due to the baby kicking and Maria flinching from the pain. But those vibrating kicks and simple pokes is also a relief; that means Alfred Jr. is alive and kicking!

[ a/n: And no they did not name the infant after him. ]

At July 1st..

It was 12:45 am, and i remained awake since my wife is feeling contractions for the past few days and i know that her due date is near. During this time, it's a little more intense.

I stroke her long brown hair, hoping it would bring a sense of comfort for her. It's hard to see her face scrunch in pain as she tries to slumber the discomfort away.

I could see her tiny hands grip tight on the pillow..

" Shhh..."

I place a gentle kiss on her head. Until she couldn't take the pain and instantly gives up on getting some ample rest.

" Hngh..mahal, this hurts.. when will he come out?" She then looks at her tummy.

" Sige na anak, labas ka na. This crap needs to end now." She looks down at her belly, begging the baby to come out...

and it seems her prayers we're answered. When she felt a different contraction.

" Ah!"

This alerted me." Pearl?!"

" Oh! it hurts-!!" The second contraction comes. I then of course proceeded to carry her to rush her to the hospital immediately and i was driving in a instantenous speed.

We're in a hurry.
Time is our greatest enemy.
Any moment now, i could become a father and it worries me.
I hold my wife's hand the entire time, reassuring her that it's going to be fine.

We soon arrive at the hospital.
I assisted her on our way inside the establishment, and some nurses tend to us instantly and helps her to sit on the wheelchair.

My steps trail along with them as they are brought to the emergency room and assisted her on the hospital bed.

They are checking her vitals.
And said, she is not about to give birth yet but it's definitely the time. She is soon hooked up to a machine, with some dextrose on her hand and oxygen mask.

After 4 hours of waiting.
Around 4:45 am
The moment has come.
The doctor is alerted, she has finally dilated to 10cm.

So it's go time.
" Push!" The doctor demanded as Maria pushed." Hnghh!!"

And there i was beside her.
Holding her hand, also not knowing what to feel that now.. i'm going to be father.
That my dream? Of starting my very own family. Is coming to reality!

I hold her back as the doctor demands her to keep pushing and breathing through the oxygen mask.

It was the most nerve wrecking hours of my life.
And guaranteed, the most painful yet rewarding for her.

And with one last powerful push from her.

The doctor slowly takes out, a beautiful reddish baby boy that is crying loudly. My eyes watered as i look at this incredible moment, no one can explain the wave of emotion that i feel now that he's here.

The baby was handed to my wife after they helped to cut it's umbilical cord and wrap it in a small blue blanket.

and he looks..

incredibly perfect, my life has finally come together. I'm officialy a father!

I kiss her head one more time and said.
" Good job, my pearl."

She is crying as she holds our son against her, placing his head to where her heart is located. To form a first bond and connection.. This moment and very rewarding and i feel extremely proud of the both of them.

I look at our son's tiny face and with my pointer finger, i pick up his tiny hand and when he holds my finger.. it made me cry more.

The scene is too fascinating.
And i thank the Lord for bringing them and keeping them safe..

" What would you like to name him?" The assistant nurse asked.

Maria smiles at nurse," Gregory Andrew."

My little Greg.
Bless you my son.

Gregory Andrew Jones
time of birth: 5:45 am at July 1st of 1983.

~ fin ~

[ A/n ] I have returned from my hiatus, after almost 2 to 3 years of my post-poned writing. And i will be back with new chapters very soon. Until then, keep safe especially during our situation when there is a global pandemic, don't forget to wear your face masks when going out and keep social distancing!

i know Philippines is finally canon after a decade since Hetalia was released, and at Season 7; The World Stars. He was officialy announced, however i will be keeping the female Philippines in this one-shot series due to the fact that Nyo!Phil is already used since the first chapter.

But let me know if you want me to change the character.
That's all for now!
Au revoir! ^w^

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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