First Meeting ( Cinderella AU! Asakiku, pt. 1)

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3rd Person

In the kingdom of London. House of Kirkland, their is a royal family. Seems simple? There's King Arthur who ascended to the throne after his father died. Queen Kiku, who is a former commoner. And their two lovely daughters, Princess Corinne, the eldest one and Princess Seikina the youngest one.

But our story will focus on the Queen, a classic story of rags to riches, in just a stroke of a magic wand, and a missing glass shoe. Have changed his life forever.

I wish it was that easy to find true love. Anyways gather round' folks as i tell you a classic story...

Kiku Honda

I was busy tucking Corinne and Seikina in their beds. " Good night you two.." I smiled at them and kissed their small heads.

Corinne looked at me." But mummy. I'm not sleepy yet." She pouted." Me too oka-sama..." Seikina agreed." Aww, how about if mama tell a story to my sashimi and pufferfish?" I giggled.

They seem to be eagered. I lay down on the middle as the two hugged me, and i hugged them back, stroking their hair." Alright..our story begins from a folk tale. A classic rags to riches meaning our protagonist wasn't always the way he is now.. and his name is Kikurella.." I chuckled.

Corinne looked at me." But mummy. That's you." She yawned." Not really my sashimi, my oka-sama named me after Kikurella. But removed the 'rella'." I looked at her.

" Oh. Okie go ahead!" Corinne smiled.

" A long time ago... in a small place in the Kingdom of London... "


I'm not sure if i'm going to be used to this place.. My family recently moved to a place here in London. My mother and my father said it's better if we move here.

My father Yao Wang, is trader. Meaning he travels around, trading with different nobles. My mother Anya Braginski- Wang is a seamstress.

Before she died. She always tells me to always be kind and have courage, which i kept. My father was so devasted when she died. It didn't took long for him to remarry.

A woman of refined and rich. Lady Francine Tremaine, and her two daughters. Alicetasia and Ameliazella. With my step-mother around, our house became lively.

Full of gambling, and parties with other nobles. But after my father died. Her true colours was shown, she hates me with passion.

She locked me up in the basement where the only ones who could keep me company is my animal friends. And she took my family's fortunes and my inheritance and used it on her two daughters.

Ever since then. I became a maid at my own house....

I woke up and get dressed quickly. Preparing breakfast for my step mother and step sisters. And feeding the animals and their cat Lucifer.

I'm sorry, EVIL step mother and EVIL step sisters. No wonder they named their cat something from hell, once i was done with my chores.

I went to each of their rooms to serve their breakfast. But as usual when i went to my step mother's room all i got is more pile of chores and go around the market to shop for groceries.

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