A Precious Christmas Gift [Asakiku]

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Kiku's POV
Ahhh...Christmas, a time of snow, love, gifts, santas. I have finally saved enough money to buy that Victorian tea-cup set i saw months ago at the antique shop in downtown. I called a taxi cab to take me there, a few minutes later. I have arrived at the antique shop. I got out of the taxi cab and asked him to wait for me which he nodded yes.

I smiled and walked inside the shop." Irishaimase.." The lady at the counter greeted with a bow." Arigatou.. Anyways about the tea-cup i've reserved.." I said bringing up the subject." Oh wait sir let me get them.." She smiled and rushed to the storage room.

i said to her a long time that i have it reserved so it can't be bought by anyone. Thank god she accepted to reserve it for me. She gave me the tea cup set and i paid her and took my leave. But to think, i want to make a present for him completely handmade by myself, to show him how much i love him.

I giggled at the thought and i went inside the cab as it takes me home. Hours later i'm in my room struggling to decide what should i hand made? Scarf? Jacket? Mitten? Manga? AAAAAAA i have no idea---and this decision is driving me soo crazy.. i can't even sleep.

I nesd help ASAP! i grabbed my smartphone and scrolled through my contacts. Thank god i have Maria's number. She is known to give the best presents, last Christmas she gave me a ceramic non stick frying pan. She is super nice to even give me that.

So i texted her since her ideas are bomb!

KinkuHonda: Ahh... excuse me Maria-chan?
MangoMaria: Oh good evening Kiku, what brings you to our chatbox? and you're still up???
KinkuHonda: Hai...i can't even sleep, because of this particular question in my head. What do you get for your lover???
MangoMaria: hmmm? struggling to get Artie another gift..
KinkuHonda: Nee..how do you know?
MangoMaria: Come on Keeks i know when you buy something for someone you also wanted something completely handmade.
KinkuHonda: Oh you know me so well... anyways what do you get?
MangoMaria: I suggest, nothing to extravagant but nothing to simply either. A gift that will make him remind how much you appreciate his admiration and affection, a gift that will remind your memories together., Scrapbook perhaps? or this cool new thing called Explosion Box!
KinkuHonda: What is this explosion box you mentioned?
MangoMaria: Oh it looks like a normal gift on the outside but when open the sides of it sprung out and it's full pictures glued with messages as well and creative designs. You can even put what you got for Arthur inside.
KinkuHonda: Interesting. I'll bite to the idea of the Explosion Box, i'll just watch a tutorial online how to make something like that.
MangoMaria: Goodluck and goodnight.

The next morning, while eating my breakfast i started to watch the tutorial on how to execute this explosion box properly. After doing all of my chores and getting dressed, i went outside to go to the craft store to buy the things i need for this explosion box, once i got in. I bought gift wrappers, scented coloured papers, glue sticks, ribbon, lace, some glitter and beads.

Once i'm back home, i started to craft and lucky me i have some recycled boxes so i used one and started to cut the sides until it sprung out but not cutting it all the way. After i have the base i layed down pictures of me and Asa-kun from my Polaroid. And decided to design the box.

This'll be easy since not much cutting is required. I'm a origami expert so i was able to pull it off. I started to gluing laces, coloured paper, ribbons, and beads on each sides that i cut off. And basically just followed the tutorial that i'm watching. Once i'm done i smilled to myself at how much beautiful it is.

I better start cleaning up this mess. So i did, throwing away some stuff and vaccuming the glitters, since Asa-kun will be here for a few hours. I also started to cook after cleaning, our Christmas meal shall i say? hehe.

It's finally evening and i decided to pick Arthur up on the Narita Airport. I waited for him until he came." Love!!" He smiled and hugged me and i hugged back." Oh i'm so happy you're here..." I smiled." Me too, i'm glad to see you." He kissed my forehead and soon we arrived at my house.

After entering the house we went straight to the kitchen to eat. We chit chatfed basically chatting, he has been telling me how Francis is annoying he is and keeps bragging how much obnoxious and stuck up is Alfred which made me chuckle. After that he insisted on washing the dishes which i offered to help.

Later, it's time to exchange presents since it's 12:00am." Merry Christmas Love this is for you." He gave a box. Why is there something moving inside? then i noticed a small hole on the box but decided not to peak, i began to unravel the ribbon and i smiled wide when a small kitten surprised.

He is black all over but has white patches on his nose, tummy, tip of his bob tail and paws. I picked it up and hugged it." Your so kawaii~" I cooed and cuddle the cute kitten who is purring. Arthur smiled at us," I'm glad you liked it." And i looked at him and kissed his lips and he kissed back." Arigatouu Asa-kun!!!" I said.

He grabbed my gift and opened it. I was pretty embarassed." Sorry if that's all i could pull off..." I said, he looked at the content and started to read the message and he smiled genuinely at the pictures and he wiped a tear. And he hugged me." Are you kididng Kiku!? this is the most precious gift i have ever recieved and on top of that it's handmade by you! which makes this gift so special." I hugged him back and smiled.

" Oh i'm so glad you liked Asa-kun, i put a lot of time,effort into making that like Maria said, a gift that will remind our memories together. And a gift doesn't need to be expensive to be full of worth right?" I looked at him and he nodded.

" Oh i love you so much Kiku." He kissed my cheek as i giggled." I love you too Asa-kun." With that me and him cuddled infront of the fireplace while drinking our hot coco. Best Christmas Ever...

[ Heyyooo!!! did you guys enjoy this chapter? Did you? did you? well if you did thank you! Thanks for reading and taking the time to appreciate this chapter also Arthue bought the kitten just earlier when he went to Japan so see ya guys in the next chapter!! 💖 ]

[ Heyyooo!!! did you guys enjoy this chapter? Did you? did you? well if you did thank you! Thanks for reading and taking the time to appreciate this chapter also Arthue bought the kitten just earlier when he went to Japan so see ya guys in the nex...

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[A pic of Tama-chan to say ttyl.None of the pictures are mine ]

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