A Peek Into The Future ( Part 2 )

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Alfred F. Jones

NO WAY........I eyed the man who walked." WASSSSS GUD!!" He greeted with such enthusiasm like what i do. Corinne was somewhat annoyed but chose to ignore it." You're late again Greg!" She huffed. As Greg ruffled her head." Aww, come on! I got things to do." He grinned, as Louis smirked." Things, means a woman...ohh~ i wonder who she is~" This made the Greg blush." SHUT UP!" I chuckled.

I eyed his features.. Golden Blonde hair like mine, and that nuntucket on his head. Wearing glasses as well, but has a sun kissed skin like Maria's. And brown eyes. OH HELL YEAH!!! He looks a lot like a Filipino though. But has the American features.

He seemed to notice me and when we both looked at each other. He looked like a male version of Maria and i'm not kidding.. We felt a connection..... I-is he m-my..s-son.. But he looks a lot older..

" Hey do i know you dude? You seem really familiar." He spoke," N-no i don't think so dude.. I'm Fred." I smiled and he did the same offering his hand, and i took and he shook our hands together. " Nice. That's what my mom calls my dad!" He chuckled. HE IS MY SON! OH YEAH!!

Then i noticed the lady hugging Corinne. Seem to be really sweet, she must be the wife that Albert is referring. She pulled away," Our little Lala is doing a little better now mahal." She smiled as Corinne sighed in relief." That's good." She kissed her cheek as everyone else gagged even Greg.

I find it cute that their sweet. The lady looked at me, and she looks a lot...like me... Long dark brown hair and some curl and nun tucket..and her hair is wavy as well and did i say long? I MEANT VEEERRRRRYYYYY LOOONG! She had a light caramel skin like mine, and my cerulean blue eyes. Hers are really beautiful looks very angelic.

Long eyelashes as well. I can tell their natural, she also has freckles but it's more apparent unlike mine.. She looks youthful, and she is quite tall and seem to keep a very fit body shape.. Could she be.. my daughter?.. she is so pretty like Maria. She was the one who got most of my awesome features. Looks a lot like American but still a Filipino at heart.

" Hello there, are you new? I don't think i have seen you around." She got curious, i just nodded. " Jamie, you should start proposing your plan." Louis said." Sure cous' " She smiled and got her laptop ready. Cous' is short for Cousin, SHE IS MY DAUGHTER. I mean we look a lot like each other.

Then i looked at the last 2 portraits, next to Albert is Jamie's. Ma. Jamilina Priscilla Dela Cruz Jones-Kirkland, Manila. and the last one is Greg's. Gregory Andrew Dela Cruz Jones, Washington D.C.

If that's the case. Then i'm also a grandpa..?! " NO!!" I realized that i must've said my thoughts loudly and covered my mouth, everyone looked at me." Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" Jamie asked me," I-i'm okay." I said, she orders a robot to grab a burger and water and then the robot handed it to me.

" You must be starving, just eat for a while." She smiled then proceeded to explaining her plan the burger. But i want more, so i asked the robot guy if it could grab more and it did! AWESOME. I probably ate 23 of it.

Greg noticed." Strange you and my dad likes burgers a lot." He grinned as i said." Oh yea!" Weird is they can't notice me... that i'm the hero. Probably i look really different..

Hours have passed since i have listened to each plan, all of it are great even Greg's not the silly robot things i have. Nice one son, and we also had a lot of conversation. But where will i stay?

Jamie looked at me as we we're walking out." Do you have a place to stay Fred?" She asked me as i nodded no." Oh, you can stay at our house for a while." Then Corinne opened the car, and sat on the driver's seat. Jamie sat beside her as i sat on the back.

Corinne opened an app, and did some few things here and there and when she placed the phone in the middle. To the phone holder, the engine started. The lights turned on and even the AC in the car and speaker. Wow!!

Jamie set the location, and cool! An app that let's the phone drive the car!! And music started playing and in the car ride both asked me about myself obviously i gave out fake information. But Jamie seemed suspicious.." I know who you really are.." Which git me nervous and looked at her." W-what?.." I stuttered." You're my dad.. from the past." Jamie smiled.

She IS smart... and her instincts are strong too." O-oh look at that! You know who i am!" I grinned." It is okay if we call you dad? Although that might be strange.. since you're younger than us." Corinne suggested." No i don't mind at all." I smiled as both nodded. Then it stopped to a big mansion.

The gates opened as the phone parked the car. Corinne took it out and all of us got out and as all of us walked in their maids started greeting us, the first thing i noticed in their living room is their family picture. There's Corinne, Jamie and in the middle must be my granddaughter. Priscilla i think. And on the left is their wedding picture, Jamie looked so beautiful.

For the rest of the hours i have met up with my grand daughter and explained to the Jamie and Corinne everything that happened. Corinne sighed and face palmed of how lame Arthur is, me and Jamie laughed. She also showed me an album with pictures of her and future me. I can tell we are very close. A true papa's girl. I must've cried with all of her achievements in school and weddings.

Jamie looked at time." Oh shoot!" She stood up as i looked at her confused." What's wrong?" I asked her," It's my parents' anniversary party, and you're coming with me dad! You're gonna meet your future self." She grinned as i blushed.

My... Future... Self..? SWEET!

~ To be Continued ~

[A/n] Now that we know the UsPh children. Alfred is about to meet the future him and Maria, and the future allies and axis. Oh well are you just as excited as me for the next chapter. Stay tuned! That's all for now my dear sugar bunners thank you so much for taking the time into reading the chapter 15! and being patient!! Have a great day!

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