On to the Ball ( Cinderella AU! Asakiku pt.2 )

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I was a fool for thinking they're willing to go with me... i sighed wiped my tears. They ruined my mother's dress...

Crying won't do me good. So i fixed myself atleast and sat on the well, just then an old woman came to me.

" Hello.. dear... i'm really starving .... do you have any milk and bread...." She spoke. Oh dear, immediately i helped her get cozy inside my house.

I gave her a bread, and a warm milk. And let her sit by the fireplace. Making sure she is alright." Are you feeling okay?" I asked her.

" Yes aru.. you know it's dangerous for you to accompany a stranger at your home...why did you took me in?" She asked.

" Well my mother always says that i need help others if i could provide their needs. And you seem kind, and not at all like a thief. So i helped you when you needed it." I smiled at her.

" Thank you, but you're being too naive.. what's on a person's face is not always what's in their heart aru." She told me, then she took note of my dress.

" Oh dear..what happened to your dress aru?" She asked and with that i told her the entire story of my life and she had so much pity on her eyes.

" I can help you get to the ball." She stood up from the rocking chair." How?" I questioned as i went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

She released a magic wand and transformed herself. Maybe showing her true form, she wore a beautiful gliterring red dress, and had her wings.

I gasped and turned off the faucet as i look at her. " My name is Chun Wang! I am your fairy godmother aru." She smiled, Is this real?..

I remember my mother telling me a story about a fairy godmother... this... i.. " Uhm...are you real...i thought your only a imagination from my mother's head..." I looked at her.

" I'm very much real dear. To see is to believe shall we say..now let's get started. Do you have some pumpkin aru ?" She asked.

As i nodded and we both headed to the pumpkin patch. When she went inside, she picked a small pumpkin and placed it on the ground.

" Move aside dear, let me do some magic." With a flick of her wand and magic words of ' beepety..bobbity..boo'. Right before my eyes, the pumpkin turned into a beautiful golden carriage.

" Wow..." I whispered. " Now get me some dog, rats, oh and a goose." She demanded as i followed her orders.

Soon the dog turned into a footsmen, the rats turned into dogs, and the goose turned into a coachman.

" Places everyone~ we don't want her to be late~" She said as she fixes everything." Excuse me..but...uhm.." I interrupted her.

She looked at me." I don't have anything to wear..." I said," I can fix that. Lets go over here.." She said as i followed her.

I stoos up in that corner. And few minutes later after thinking," Spin around slowly." She demanded and i did. As she flicked her wand.

My torn dress, turned into a beautiful light blue ensemblé, with a ribbon tied to the back. And it gave me gloves as well. I stopped for a second to admire her creation.

The black chocker with golden accent on the sapphire stone and headband."W-wow.. Chun..i c-cant thank you enough. Arigatou gozaimasu!" I smiled.

" Look at your feet." She said. As i did and it's glass heels.. " Aren't they going to break? They're glass.." I asked and she nodded no.

She helped me get to the carriage. " Kikurella! One more thing! You must get here before the clock strikes midnight. Because all the magic that i gave you will dissapear,now don't forget to enjoy your night with the prince aru." She giggled as i smiled.With that the carriage drove...

Prince Arthur

Dancing with all of these princesses are exhausting indeed. I enjoy the time but i was expecting Kikurella to come...

As Grand Duke Ivan introduce the ladies. I must dance with them, a way to find a new wife as my father say.

I was loosing hope that i'd see Kikurella in this ball. Just then, someone from upstairs. Opened the grand doors, and i saw with my two eyes.

Kikurella.... he is so beautiful and charming tonight. He looks confused, and everyone stopped to look at him. He was like a cherry on top of the sundae.

I walked close to the stairs as he walk downstairs. " ...Arthur." He smiled and bows." Mi'lady." I kissed his hand and took him in the middle of the ballroom.

And for the rest of the night we we're dancing. And it was magical, i felt my heart beat fasten as we glide across the ballroom as if the beat of the music is controlling us.

We kept our eyes focused on each other and i can feel my cheeks being warm..just then i realized..i had fallen in love with him. There is something about him that i can't get him out of my mind now.

As the music ends. I decided to introduce him to my father, and he seemed delighted by Kikurella's presence. And right after we went to the gardens.

We talked about things that we usually wouldn't share with other people. It was amazing that i get to share it with someone that can understand me very well.

He looked at me in the eyes, and his brown eyes are pretty and i looked back on him. Slowly our faces begin to inch closer... we we're about to kiss when...

The clock started chiming. He immediately pulled away and said." I have to go..." He started running and i chased him." WAIT KIKU!" But it was too late.

He already got to his carriage.. But there is something he left... His glass heels... i took it in my hand..

And with determination in my eyes. It's him that i want to marry..i will find him...

~to be continued ~

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