Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 29

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(EPIC TIME WARPPPPPPPP!! just kidding i'm a loser)

IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!! I've totally not been hiding random presents in my room for a month... oops? I got Dan and Phil both Unicorn Meat. It's on Amazon, for real. (link to buy unicorn meat k thx: ) I'm a psycho. But it's Christmas, yay. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and go out in sweatpants and a tank top. Dan and Phil are both waiting for me, sitting by the tree on the floor.

"Hey, Alex! Good morning! Sit, sit!" Dan says, overly excited. I sit down in between the two and they throw something on my lap.

"OW! Heavy, much?" I yelp. Phil lifts it out of my lap and places it down next to me, carefully. I open it and go into awe. A Canon EOS Rebel T3i!

"Holy shit... this is fucking expensive one, and I feel cheap as fuck, and two, THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH OH MY GOD I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I CAN TAKE GOOD PICTURES NOT JUST CRAPPY iPHONE ONE OH MY FUCKING GONDOLAS THANK YOU GUYS!" I scream and hug them both. They smile and pick up their presents from me. They open them and Dan chuckles.

"Alex, when were you ever able to order unicorn meat?" Phil asks.

"The great Alex shall never reveal their secrets..." I say and dramatically look away. He just stares at me with a slight smile on his face.

"Dear god, Alexandra. You're such a loser." Dan says and throws his arm around me.

We open more stuff from relatives and friend 'n shit. I get some cool stuff. I get black Vans,black high top Keds, and dark red Toms. I like shoes. I get some other cool stuff, and then we carry on like it's any other day.

(Hi. It's 2017 Christa. So, this is the part I never finished, and I thought as a closure type of deal, I would post it. Add me on snapchat,  chrissymariekay. Bye bye.)

Adopted by Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now