Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 5

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"Oh Its Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on FRIDAY!" Dan yells from the kitchen. This is my life everyone. "Alex are you awake? Its almost 9:30" Phil asks from outside my door. "No" "Well we need to go in an hour" "Since when does that mean I need to get up?" "Do I need to stick Dan on you?" Phil asks. I don't reply, feeling he is already gone to get Dan. "ALEXANDRA ROSE HOWELL" Dan yells as he opens my door. I am hiding under my blanket. He closes the door behind him. "Are you scared to go to your new school and meet your new teachers?" Dan asks. I don't remove my head from under my blanket, I just nod. Yes, I am scared to meet them. I take off my blanket. He grabs my hand. "I will be by your side. Your my daughter." He says, looking into my eyes. I smile. "Now get ready" he says and he walks out of my room. I grab the hoodie Phil gave me and a MCR t shirt Dan got me yesterday. I but on some leggings and a pair of combat boots. I think I am in love with boots now. Never wore them before, only sneakers. I braid my hair and go out to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Alexandra Rose is that right?" The office secretary asks. "Yes" I say. Dan walks up to her desk and signs papers. Then, the principle comes out from his office in the back. "Alexandra! Hi! I am Mr. Pander" He says. "Hi..." I say back. That was an overreacted response to a normal teen girl. "Are you ready to go around the school? All the students are eating lunch" he says. I nod, nervously. "Dan, Phil, are you guys coming?" I ask them. "I will, Dan needs to sign papers" Phil says. "Okay" I say back and follow Mr. Pander. "This is your homeroom" Mr. Pander says.

He shows me all my rooms. This takes around 2 hours, considering the fact I need to go meet all of them. The lunch period is around 45 minutes so I got a lot of weird looks and I almost got trampled by the Seniors. I am only in 9th grade, so I am a freshman.

"So Alexandra, you will be here Monday, right?" the office secretary asks. I nod. "Okay. Hey, do want to stay for the last hour of school?" "Sure she would! I will come get her later" Dan says. I give him the 'I will kill you later' look and follow the lady. She brings my to my art class, which is what I have right now. "Everyone, stop what your doing and pay attention for a few minutes" The art teacher says. "Everyone this Is Alexandra Rose, a new student in this school. Please give her a warm welcome" Some people shout out things like "Is that the adopted girl?" and "You can sit here, Alexandra!" Glad to know people care. I go and sit next to a girl that said I could sit there. "Hi, I'm Zelda" she says. "Hi" I say back. "Alexandra, you don't need to do anything today" The art teacher announces. I think I am going to like her since I love to do art. "So your Alexandra?" Zelda asks. "Yea, but you can call me Alex" I tell her. "Okay then Alex, do you have your schedule?" "Yea, its in my pocket" I say and take the folded paper out of my hoodie pocket and I hand it to her. "Oh, cool! You are in all of my classes! You can follow me around" Zelda yells. "What locker are you?' I ask her. "93, you?" She says. "101" I say. "Oh cool, we are in the same area" she exclaims.

The bell just rang and I am walking to the front door. "Hey Alex! Wait up!" Zelda says behind me. "Oh, hey Zelda" I say when she catches up. "Its, Friday. Do you want hang out?" she asks. "Well my dad Is here so I will ask if you can come over" I tell her. "Okay!" she says. Zelda has black hair with side bangs. She basically has the hair I wish I could have. "Hey, Alexandra." says the dude that called me an adopted girl earlier. He comes up behind he and pokes my back. I fling my hand back in self defense. "Don't touch me. I'm serious" I say. "Germaphobe"  "Asshole" I say. "Woah, feisty! Feisty isn't a bad thing. I'm Connor" he says. "Okay. Hi Connor" I say as Zelda opens the door for me. "Thanks Zelda. Hey guys, you seem pretty cool, do you want to hang out tonight?" Connor says. "Sure Connor. I have to ask my Dad. He is over there" I say to Zelda. "Okay" Zelda says"Wait, your Dad is Dan Howell?" Connor says "Yea" I say. "Since when does he have a daughter?" He asks. "Wednesday" I say. I walk over to Dan with Zelda and Connor following. "Hi Dad. This is Zelda and Connor. Can they come over?" I ask giving him a hug. "Uhm, sure?" he says as we all walk to the flat.

We are all sitting in my room. I am on my bed and Zelda and Connor are on my bean bag. "So Connor. Do you do any sports or something?" Zelda asks. "Yea footy" he says. "Cool" I say. Connor takes out his iPhone and starts playing Flappy Bird. "Come on Connor, Flappy bird... really?" Zelda asks. Well, what else do I do?" He asks. "Mario Kart anyone?" I ask as we all head to the lounge to play on the Wii. We all grab a controller and have a vicious match with Connor as the winner. "Holy shit" I say. "LANGUAGE" Dan yells. We all start laughing so hard. .

"Hey my dad is out front I have to go" Connor says around 8. "Okay bye" Zelda and I say and we both give him a highfive. "Zelda when are you leaving?" Phil asks her. "Oh I can walk home whenever... my parents don't care about when I get home" Zelda says completely normally. "What do you mean?" Phil asks. "Well, I don't have a curfew, nor my brothers, I have 3. Triplets that are juniors in our school." "Oh" Phil says. "Can Zelda sleep over?? PLEASEEEEE!" I beg Dan and Phil. "Sure I guess, you need to pull out the bed under yours, its a double bed" Dan says. "Cool!" Zelda and I both say.

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