Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 15

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(Warning, the names of the people are the names in Alex's iPhone and when it says Alex, its her message sent)

*BEEP BEEP* I pry my eyes open and look over to my phone. "6am?" I mumble.

Zelda- Hey Alex, do you want to come over today?

Alex- I don't know if I can, I have a 'babysitter'

Zelda- What? Where is Dan and Phil

Alex- Great ole' Merica.

Zelda- Why?

Alex- Don't ask me.

Zelda-poo- Who's your 'babysitter'?

Alex- Someone named Zoe. I think she's a YouTuber, also.

Zelda- Oh. Okay.

Alex- Why did you even text me at like 6am?

Zelda- Why not?

Alex- Your a bum.

Zelda- Fine, go back to sleep on me.

Alex- Bye

Zelda- Adios.

"Alex?" I hear Zoe announce from the hall. "Hello" I say. "Can I come in?" She asks, her sweet, girly voice ringing in my ears. "Sure" I say. I am starting to be happy that I only got 1 hour of sleep, my hair isn't horrible. "Did, I wake you? I know its early but I heard something so I wanted to be sure you are okay" she innocently asks. "My friend texted me. No big deal" I say. "How did you sleep?" she asks. "I didn't" I say. "Why?" Zoe questions. "Well, internet" I mumble and Zoe giggles. "Just like your dad" she says. "I will let you get some sleep" she says and walks out.

*BEEP BEEP* I open my eyes and see a text from Zelda.

Zelda- Are you awake now? Its 10.

Alex- Well, now I am...

Zelda- And I thought I was lazy damn

Alex- Shutup

Zelda- Well you need to get up

Alex- Haha nope.

Zelda- Well then.

Alex- Gtg Zoe is knocking on my door.

"Come in!" I say. "Hi Alex, you awake now?" Zoe asks. I nod. "Well, Dan asked me to tell you something" Zoe says. "Intriguing. Continue" I say. "Well, he kind of wants you to try out for something like cheerleading or gymnastics" she says. "Really? Are you for real?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. She nods her head. "Okay" I say and she just walks out.

Alex- Couldn't you have told me yourself? I don't think Zoe wanted too.

Dad :)- Oh, that. Well, I don't want you to sit around all day on your laptop. You will get fat like me.

Alex- If you call yourself fat one more time, I will hydro slap you when you get home.

Dad :)- Yikes, well I have to go now love, talk to you later.

Alex- Bye Dad.

"Alex!" I hear Zoe yell from the lounge. I get up and scurry over there. "Hi" I say awkwardly. "How would you like a makeover?" She asks. "Uhmmmmm, well. Sure?" I mumble. "great" she says and comes in with a bag, probably full of cosmetics. "okay, so first lets do your hair" she says excitedly. I run to my room and pick up my hairbrush. "Here Zoe" I say and hand her my hairbrush. She nods and starts playing with my hair.

"TAADAA!" she yells. She points a mirror over at me and I am shocked. "Holy shit" "foul language! bad!" she says and slaps my hand. "Owe!" I yelp. "do you like the way it looks?" she asks. "Yea" I answer. I look to... to... girly! yea, that's the word. "Okay, now I will do your makeup" she announces, already taking out stuff. "Oh gosh" I mumble.

"TAADAA! Again!" she yells. I pick up the mirror. "That's not me" I say. "Yea it is!" she says. I don't really like it. "Thanks..." I say. "Want your nails done?" she asks. "No, sorry Zoe" I say and I walk away. Her face kind of drooped, like I let her down. Ugh, I am a fail at life. I am just a stupid whale that can do nothing right. The world would be better without me.


*BEEP BEEP* I frantically swing my hand around trying to find my phone. I don't want to go to school. I sigh and open my eyes. I grab my phone and turn off the alarm. I slowly step out of bed and go to my dresser. I pick out a black t shirt and some jeans and throw them on. I look in the mirror to see the makeup Zoe had done was still in place. I debate with myself if I should take it off or not. I keep it on and look down. I grab my black converse and slip them on. I sneak out to the kitchen and  grab Oreos. "Alex, real breakfast" Zoe says and I nearly jump out of my skin. "Ugh, fine" I mumble and grab a granola bar. I eat it and grab my backpack. "What about lunch? Give me your backpack" she demands. I hand it over and she searched through it. I am trembling in fear because I don't want her to know I don't eat lunch. "Alex, I know you don't buy lunch and I now know you don't bring a lunch either. What do you eat?" She asks. I grab my backpack and put it on. I start to head towards the stairs to go to the lobby to start walking, but Zoe grabs me. "I will pack you a lunch if you want, A" she says. "I am good, and please don't call me A" I say. I walk down the stairs and go out the door.

I open my locker and something fall out in an envelope. I pick it up and open it. Zelda looks over at me and waves. I wave back and focus on the envelope. I open it slowly and look inside. My eyes go larger then normal. Inside, there are two blades and a letter.

Here faggot, use these to just end your useless life. No one likes you, not even your father or uncle. You are just a piece of crap left on the side of the road. You are a fat arse and your face makes me want to vomit.

P.S. watch out.

Tears slowly start to form in my eyes. I turn around and see Connor standing right there, looking at the blades. "Uhm, why do you have blades?" Connor asks. I throw all my books into my locker and grab my backpack, put the envelope in and run. I run out of the school and avoid all the stares coming from just about everyone. "Alex, where are you going?" Connor yells after me. He drops all his books and runs after me. "Alex!" Mr. Pander yells as I run out of the school. I don't look back. "I hate my life" I say and run off, the opposite way from home.

"Oh my gosh Alex your so fast" Connor says when he sits down under the same tree I am sitting under. I have been running for 2 hours straight. I shove my face in my knees and start sobbing. "Shhhhhh. Calm down Alex. Its okay" he says. He grabs my backpack and opens it. He carefully grabs the envelope. He reads the letter and takes out the blades. "What kind of fucker would do this." he mumbles. He puts his arm around me and I stick my head into his shoulder. "I hate myself" I say. "Don't let anyone bring you down, your perfect" he says.

"Alex?" I hear someone yell. Connor looks at me and we look over to the side to see Zelda. "Alex your okay! I was so worried. Hi Connor. Have you guys been here all day?" she worriedly asks. "Zelda calm down. She's fine" Connor answers for me. I am really not okay. "Zoe came to the school worried. I told her that she could go to your house and calm down because I would find you" Zelda explains.

We all get into Zoe's car. It is an awkwardly silent car ride.

"Alex? Can you come here for a second?" Zoe yells from the bottom of the stairs. I go downstairs. "What happened today?" I tell her the story when we sit in the lounge. Then we just fall asleep on the sofa.


Sorry I didn't update all week! I was at my mates house and we were busy lol. I liked writing this chapter haha. Did you guys like the texts? I did. I liked the drama and I think I am gonna have a twist for the next update. We'll see...


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