Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 27

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(A.N I am so sorry that you guys have not had an update in a long ass time I know you all probably hate me and I probably don't have a lot of readers but I should HOPEFULLY update more often know, but don't take my word for it. Love you all, MWAH!)

Flynn. Is. So. Cute. I may or may not be staring at him while he's talking to Connor at the snack table. He has a nice butt. STOP IT, ALEX! Okay... I'm good.

"Alex, snap out of it!" Zelda yells in my face. 

"Oh, sorry," I apologize. 

"You better be bitch," Zelda sasses. That fucker. I see a cute guy thats in Zelda and I's art class approching us, well, Zelda. Not me.

"Hi cutie, care to dance?" he asks, Zelda looks at me, blushing. I shoo her away with hand motions. Awe, it's like seeing your first born take their first steps. Her butt looks nice in the dress. What's with me and butts tonight? I don't even know. Connor sneaks up on me and I shreak.

"BOO!" he says in my ears. I jump and he laughs at me. 

"What the heck, man! That is just cruel!" I yell and start flailing my arms at him. Soon after, Flynn comes over and plants a kiss on my left cheek. 

"Hey, look Brendon, it's Alex!" Dylan yells and points at Connor, Flynn, and I. (A.N Don't remeber the triplet's, aka Zelda's brothers? Reread Ch. 23 <3)

"Hi, Dylan," I say. He runs over and waves. "How are you guys? It's been a while!" I say while Brendon gives me a hug.

"You know, the usual, gaming, irritating Zeld- hey, wait a second, where is Zelda?" Dylan says, looking around,

"Over there, dancing with a real boy!" I yell, pointing over at her. She looks over and we all wave. Dylan, Brendon, Connor, Flynn, and I all talk about random bullshit until another slow song comes on and Flynn drags me to the dancing area. We start dancing until the most bloody terrible thing happens,

I trip on my own feet and fall flat on my face, I get up and look over to Flynn, then run to the restroom. I want to run and hide and cry and hug Dan. As soon as I get into the bathroom I start balling.

Zelda- Alex, where did you go? 

Alex- Bathroom, did you see what happened?

Zelda- Yeah, I'm coming right now. I got a chocolate bar. :D

Alex- Haha, thanks babe.

Zelda- No problemo, friend. :)

"ALEX! I'm here!" Zelda yells when she opens the door. It closes behind her with a bang and she hugs me. I am in no rush to end the hug, considering I would rather die at the moment. "Alex, th dance is over in about an hour, I would hope you make an appearance sometime before we all leave"

"But Zelda, everyone will laugh at me," I mumble.

"No they won't. Well, maybe my brothers will, but the others won't" Zelda says with a chuckle.

"Hey Zeld, where is Jayden anyways? Was he busy?" I ask.

"He is with our cousin that is here from Texas. I don't like him, he cut my hair in my sleep when I was 8" she says. I start laughing, and she joins me. She cleans up the mascara underneath my eye, and she basically drags me out of the bathroom back into the dance where the scary mean people are. As soon as Flynn sees me he slowly makes his way over to me and hugs me. 

"Babe, it's okay. We all trip and fall on our face in public occasionally, it all good," Flynn says and runs his fingers through my hair.

Next thing I know, I am in Brendons car getting dropped off outside of my flat building. I say goodbye to everyone and go up the lift and then the stairs to the flat.

"ALEX! YOU'RE HOME!" Dan screams as soon as I walk into the flat. He hugs me and then sits on th couch. I quickly run to my room and change into sweatpants and a tee shirt. I lay down on the couch, my head resting on Dans thigh. He asks me to tell him about the night.

"Oh shit, where to start..." I say. I tell him half of the night, then we go to his room and lay in his beed, and I finish in there.

"Oh, heres the best part, you ready Dan?" I say. He nods. "I tripped on my own feet, fell on my own feet in the middle of a slow dance, ran to the bathroom and started balling, then Zelda came to comfort me, pulled me back out to the dance and then Flynn hugged me and yeah. Bam, that was my first sucky dance night," I say, faking a smile at the end. We talk a bit more before we drift off to sleep.


OMFG I UPDATED LOLZOR! Can y'all believe it? I haven't updated a lot I'm so so so so very sorry! But I love all of you and yeah! So, I should update soon enough and yeah! Love you all!


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