Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 18

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I sigh and open my eyes from my crappy sleep. Owee, my head hurts so badd! Dan must of left earlier. "Hey Alex? You awake?" Phil asks. "Yea" I say. "My head hurts. I am going to my room" I say and grab my crutches and walk to my room. "Hey Alex, come here for a second!" Dan says. My head is literally pounding so hard. "I am going back to sleep" I say. "Its noon" Dan mumbles. "So?" I argue. "Just come here, people want to meet you" Dan says, tugging on my hoodie sleeve. "Fine" I say and change my direction. I walk to the office and see two identical twins sitting next to eachother. "Hi, Im Jack and this is Finn" Jack greets. "I know" I mumble. "Oh really? Since when do you watch JacksGap?" Dan asks. I shrug and walk out of the office. I go to my room and open the door. I see the balloons Zelda brought me yesterday night and smile. Someone cares. I lie my crutches down next to my bed and lie down. Sleep? No, more like pondering the universe for hours.

"Bye guys. I need to check on Alex" I hear Dan say.

"Hey baby girl, are you awake?" Dan says, opening my door. "Yes, but my head hurts" I whimper. "Well, you do have a concussion" Dan says. "Good point" I say. "What's that 'Belle' girls last name?" Dan asks. "Why?" I ask. "Chris said she ran away because she wanted to avoid trouble. That's not gonna happen" Dan says. "Dan, please don't" I ask quietly. "Why?" Dan says. "Her aunt works in the school and will probably kill me" I say. "What's her last name?" Dan asks again, slightly losing patience. "Singe. Belle Singe" I mumble. (Pronounced Sing with exaggeration on the g) "Okay love. I am going to call the school" he says and takes his phone out of his pocket. I'm so dead by Belle's 'clique'.

"I got Belle's parents phone number. I am so making a call right now" Dan says and starts dialing. "Hello, Mrs. Singe? Hi, I am Dan Howell. Your daughter has fractured my daughters ankle and has also given her a concussion" Dan says

"Damn right you will give us the money to pay for dear Alex's medical bill! It's around 500£ So what if Alex punched Belle,, she wasn't injured!" Dan says. Ughh.

"Okay, Mrs. Singe is paying for your bills, baby girl" Dan says, rubbing my back. "Okay" I reply. "She is also going to have a 'talk' with Belle" Dan says with an evil smirk. "This is one of the many reasons why I love you" I say and hug him. "There's a long list of reasons why I love you" Dan says. "I have time to hear them all" I say, giggling. "Okay then. Your hilarious, smart, pretty, nice, loyal, brave, and even sassy. Maybe a little feisty. those aren't all the reasons I love you " Dan says, smiling. I hug him. "I love you, Dad" I say. "I love you too, baby girl" he says and kisses my forehead.

-Dan's POV- (whattt? haha)

I feel so bad for Alex. I feel like she still isn't telling me things but I really don't know.

Well, she has a concussion and a fractured ankle and I don't know what to do exactly. I don't know how it feels to be her. "Dad? You alive?" Alex asks swinging her hand in front of my face. "What? Huh? oh, yea" I say. She sometimes calls me Dad, but also calls me Dan most of time. Does she only call me dad when I am acting fatherly? The real questions in life. That kind of means I am not a good dad. Wait, what? I just confused the shit out of myself. I have no idea what I am thinking anymore. "Dad? Can I tell you about something?" Alex asks me with concern in her eyes. "Sure baby girl, anything" I say. "I've really been wanting to tell you about the time I first got adopted by someone. I was traumatized and I thought you would do the same" she says. That has been in the back of my head since the day she opened up to me and Phil. "Okay Alex" I say and sit down next to her. "Well, it was really early in the morning. I hated the dark room, the scary dolls, the posters, and the gothic bed. I opened the window and was ready to jump. Maybe I forgot to mention a couple things when I told Connor this. She had already hurt me earlier in the day, kicking me and everything. I wanted to end my life. I wanted to go back to when I was in the orphanage, not to much happier but better than this grouchy snob treated me. She had opened the door and caught me trying to leave and then I got brought back" she said, cringing about her past. "And can I tell you another story?" she says again. I nod my head. "Okay, so once, Mrs. Leachman had sent me to this place she thought I would like. On the first night, it was fine. Pretty quiet. But the second night was terror. The man had came into the room that I was staying in and threatened me. I just gulped and nodded. Then he started... he..." she says and nuzzles her head into my chest. "He touched me" she says, nearly crying. "It quickly ended and then he had brought me back to the orphanage the next day" she says. I bring her into my safe arms. "I would never hurt you" I say and she sniffles. I feel like she was always meant to be with me. She has always been mine, I just never knew. I feel as if I had never adopted her, the hole in my heart would have never been filled. I love her. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. She is the best daughter a man could ever adopt.


INTRIGUEING! Haha! This chapter was insanely gushy and I am sorry if you don't like that stuff. I love how Dan really loves his daughter. I wrote most of this today because I really wanted to get an update out for y'all! I feel like I should maybe do a giveaway for you guys when this story reaches 2,000 reads. NO PROMISES! NONE AT ALL! Note the word maybeeee! Okay so yea. I like to write this story. I think from now on it will be more happy and I have a couple ideas for the next couple chapters. *Evil laughs* MUAHHAHAHAHA! But for realzeyss! I totes-ma-gotes think at least 1 of them will happen! Am I rocking the slang or what? I know I am not. Dear lord I need mental help. HALPPP ME! Jk I like being cray cray. I need to stop typing like that jeez.





BYE BYE BABY BUMS! (That again? Really Christa? *facepalm* Should that be my ending now?)

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