Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 22

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(go back and read some of the last chapter if you don't remember)

...picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "No! King Daniel!" I scream and he throws me onto our bed. He grabs a styrofoam sword and pretends to chop off my head. I lay there pretending to be in pain and dying while dying Phil fake crys. "No, why King Daniel! WHYY?" I say. Then someone knocks on the door and we stuff all of our things under the desk. We open the door and see Cat there. "Uh, Dan, you got a crown on your head" Cat says and he takes it off and throws it on his head. I smile and eventually start laughing harder than I should. I am the only one laughing and Dan is staring at me. When I get stared at, I normally laugh more. "Alex, you okay?" he asks and I nod and laugh more.

"Well, I want to do something and its 8:00. Therefore, there is nothing to do. Truth or dare anyone?" Cat asks. "OH OH ME ME ME I WILL PLAY!" I say. "Dan, Phil, do you guys want to play?" Cat says. "Bu-" Dan starts to say until I punch his shoulder, harder than intended. "Fine" he says, rubbing his shoulder. Phil smiles and nods.

"Cat, truth or dare" I say, smirking evilly. "This may be a bad decision knowing you, but dare" she says. I laugh evilly and rub my hands together. "I dare you to go down to the lobby and the first YouTuber you see, you have to tell them that their parents aren't virgins" I say, laughing my arse off. "Alexandra Rose Howell, I hate you with a burning passion right now" she says while getting up. "We will be back" I say and smile at Dan. He face-palms and smiles.

"Oh, there's Ricky Dillon. Do it to him!" I whisper yell to Cat. (A/N Sorry, I had to do some O2L reference XD) "Fine, I hate you Alex" she says. Nope, she loves me. She cannot deny it. She walks over to Ricky while I was hiding behind a potted tree thingy-ma-jigy.

"Hey Ricky, guess what!?" Cat says. I am trying not to laugh to loudly. "Hi Cat. What?" he says. "Your parents aren't virgins!" she says and scampers away towards me. Ricky isn't sure if he should get Cat mental health or to laugh. I think I should get the mental health. Cat comes with and we go back up to the Howell and Lester room.

"Soo, how'd it go?" Phil asks. "I had to do it to Ricky Dillon. Embarrassing as heck" Cat says. They break out in laughter and so do I.

"Alex, truth or dare?" Dan asks. "Dare, I guess" I say. "Okay. I dare you to run down the hallways screaming 'I'M BATMAN BITCHACHOS!'" He says. "Well, I am Batman so this will be easy" I say and laugh. I get up and walk over to the other side of the room. There was no not getting a Batman cape from the arcade prizes so I put mine on and head out the door.

"I'M BATMAN BITCHACHOS!" I scream and run. I get weird looks but I keep running.

"Wow, nice job Batman" Dan says and high-fives me. I bow down and then take off my cape.


-In the airport-

That was an amazing holiday. I hope we go to Playlist next year. But now I do need to go back to school. I missed so much school, its ridiculous. I will be working my ass off trying to make up homework. Damn it.


-In the flat-

"I'm so tired' I say at 6 in the morning to Dan when he wakes me up for school. "Me too Alex, don't complain" he says. Jetlag sucks, it feels like it 1 in the morning.

I get up and go over and grab my black converse, black skinny jeans, a t shirt and a blue jumper. I throw it on and head out to the kitchen. I grab a poptart and a lunch Dan packed for me. "Whats in it?" I ask. "Food" he says and I roll my eyes. I eat my poptart and grab my backpack. "Just wait, this will be full when I come home later" I say to Dan and he gives me a sorry look.

"Hey Alex! We missed you!" Connor yells when him and Zelda walk up to my locker. "I missed you guys too" I say, struggling to stay awake. "Someone going to fall asleep in the janitors closet?" Zelda says in a joking tune. "Haha, funny. I am literally so tired right now" I say. "You also have a lot of missed work. Sucks hun" Zelda says. I lay my head on her shoulder. "Get your stuff, we are going to be late bum" Connor says and I pick up my books from the floor.

"Oh, Alexandra! Your back. You have missed work. Completed by Friday" Ms.Singe says and puts a huge pile of papers in front of my face. "Bloody hell" I mumble and grab the papers.

"Oh look who's back!" Belle says. I look behind me and there's Belle, right behind me at the lunch table. "Piss off" I say and she surprisingly walks away.

I lay my head on Connors shoulder. "That tired?" he asks. I nod my head. I eat the food Dan packed for me slowly.

As soon as I walk into the door of the flat, I plop my full bag onto the floor and slowly walk up the stairs. I walk into the lounge and lay on the couch. I fall asleep.

Next thing I know, Zelda is waking me up. "Huh?" I mumble. "Hey bum, want help with homework?" she says. "I want sleep" I complain and sit up. "Sorry that your jetlagged but Ms. Singe wants your work done by Friday and she stuck a lot on you" Zelda says. "She hates me" I say. "Who hates you?" Phil asks, sitting down. "Our maths teacher" Zelda answers for me. "Oh. Belles aunt? What did Ms. Singe do?" Phil asks. "She gave me make-up homework and made me get it done for Friday" I say. Phils' eyes get large and he grabs his iPhone. "Do I need to make a call?" he says. I snuggle up next to him on the couch and say "Its not that necessary Uncle Phil. I can get it done" "Haha, sure Alex. I know you, you would rather die than do maths" he says. "Hey Zelda, I never asked. Are you back at your own house?" I ask. "I could be but I like my uncles and aunts better. They don't constantly yell at each other" she says. I give her caring eyes and look up. "I need to go get my backpack and do productive stuff" I say and get up. I grab my backpack from the bottom of the stairs and drag Zelda to my room. I do my some of my homework with Zelda's help and I end up falling asleep on my beanbag when I finished.

"Hey Alex, did you eat your lunch?" Dan says. I jolt awake and look at him. I nod my head and fall back to sleep.


Sorry its been awhile guys, I've been busy. I will try harder now to update. I don't have much to say.






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