Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 17

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(Do you guys like a lot of updates? Or little? Let me know down in the comments along with the questions in the A/N down below"

"Wake up lazy" Dan says, shaking me around. "What time is it?" I sigh. "Noon" he says. "Holy Maltesers, I basically slept my day away" I say. "Yea, yea you did you bum" he says. I get out of Phil's bed and walk to my room. I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt and lay them on my bed. I strip out of my pajamas and grab my towel. I wrap it around me and go to the bathroom. I put my towel on a hook and take a shower.

(no copywrite, this song is I write Sins not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco)

"I'd chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality." I sing.

(no copywrite, this one is Bring me to Life By Evanescence)

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home" I sing.

I hear a knock on the door of the bathroom. "Hello...?" I say, confused. "Alex, hurry up! Get on with your shower and stop singing!" Dan says. "I know I am a horrible singer" I say. "No, your actually really good at singing, but I need a shower" Dan argues. "Whatever. I will get out now" I say and turn off the water. I throw my towel around me and dry off as quick a possible. I open the door and use a hand gesture to shove Dan into the bathroom. "Happy?" I mumble. "Very" He says and walks in. I find my way to my room and shut the door. I get into my clothes and put my hair in a plait. I go out to the lounge. I go greet Phil. "Good afternoon" Phil says, giving me  an annoyed look like why did I sleep so late.  "Well sorry" I say and sit down next to him. He throws his arm around me.

"I need to take a shower" Phil says sand closes his laptop. "Don't bother trying to kick Dan out because he kicked me out like 10 minutes ago" I say and Phil laughs.

"All yours, Phil" Dan says walking into the kitchen. Phil gets up out of his seat and goes to his room. I turn my head over as I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I say as I get out of my seat. I open the door and see Belle there with loads of makeup and fancy clothes on. "How do you know where I live?" I question. "I know my people, come with me" she says. She grabs my arm. "Don't touch me" I say and put on the nearest shoes which are a pair of combat boots. "That will never be a problem. Your skin reminds me of a snake, terrifying and gross" she says and I feel like punching her. "Dan, I will be home in a little" I say. "Where are you going?" he asks. "Uhmmm... café with a mate" I say and shuffle out the door. I close the door and walk down the hall next to Belle. "Café with a mate? That's the best you could do?" she says. "Hey, I just lied to my dad. What the fuck else do you want?" I reply sassily. "Whatever" she says.

"Okay, what the fuck do you want?" I say when we get outside the building. "I want you to die, but that's never going to happen so I think you shouldn't go to school next week" Belle says. "Why?" I question, trembling in fear. "I think you should just not go, unless you want to get hurt. Honestly, I know some people that are going to hurt you far more then I would ever" she says. Is she ttrying to warn me? "Would you like to explain why you left blades in my locker?" I say. "Because your a useless fuck that can go die. And who said it was me?" she says and struts away. "You kinda just did you little shit" I say. "What was that you twat?" she says and turns around. "I called you a little piece of shit" I say. "Fuck you its going down" she says and walks up to me. She grabs me torso and slams me up into a brick wall. My head had a hard impact and my eye sight is getting blurry. I scream for help but no one gives a fuck. Thanks, fellow brits. She pushes my head back with my neck and curses at me. She lifts me up by me neck as I am gaging. "Let go of Alex!" I hear someone yell from behind. I can't see, my vision is slowly going black. "Oh, uhm, I didn't do anything" she says and runs away. "Alex, are you okay?" I hear someone saying and shaking me around. "Alex, its me, Chris. Please respond. I will call the ambulance" Chris says. "o....okay" I mumble. I wipe my face and I feel blood on my hands.


I slowly open my eyes to a hospital room, dull and terrifying. "Hello?" I say quietly. "Alex?" I hear Dan's voice say from the seat across the room. He rushes over to me as I rub my head. I feel tears form in my eyes from the pain in my neck and head. "Alex, love. Your okay. Why didn't you tell me that Belle was forcing you to go?" Dan quietly sympathizes. I shrug my shoulders. "The doctor with be back soon because they took x-rays when you were passed out" he says and rubs my shoulder.

"Okay, Ms. Howell. You have a concussion and you fractured you ankle. That mean no school for a week and also a maximum of an hour of screen time a day. You will also need crutches for only one week, also" the nurse tells me. One hour of screen time?! What will I do? I nod my head and she lets me go home. Dan and Phil come into the room. We take a cab so I don't have to be with many people.

I am lying on Dan's legs on the sofa, considering the fact that it is only 5 in the afternoon. "Dan, my head hurts" I complain. "Its okay" he says and rubs the top of my head.

"Are you guys hungry?" Phil says walking into the lounge. "I am!" Dan exclaims. I cover my ears and shake my head. "You haven't eaten all day. Please eat. Your basically starving yourself" Dan says. "Why do you care?" I mumble. "Because I love you" he says and I smile. "I can order Chinese if you guys want" Phil offers. "My usual" Dan says. "And you Alex?" Phil asks. "Rice" I say. "Wow, so exciting" Dan says. I shrug and continue lying on Dan's legs.

Phil goes to the door and gets our food from the door. Thank the lord for delivery. "Okay, thank you. Bye" Phil says and walks up the stairs. "We need one of those stair elevator thingys!" Phil says, out of breath. "Those are for 80 year olds" I say. "Well then, jeez. Ruin my fantasy" Phil says and rolls his eyes. I grab my crutches, get up and go to the kitchen and sit down. "Here Dan. Here Alex" Phil says and distributes our food. I basically just poke it with a fork until Dan pokes my shoulder. "Eat" he says and I take a fork full. I don't put it in my mouth until Dan takes it from my hands. "Here comes the chu chu  train! Open up!" Dan exclaims and I open my mouth. He puts the food in my mouth and I chew. I mumble out the word yumm and give them the thumbs up. "I thought so" Dan says and rubs his hand together like he got the dirty job done. "Okay Dad..." I say awkwardly.

*Knock knock* "I'll get it!" I says and grab my crutches. I walk to the door and open it. At first, all I see is 'Get Well Soon' balloons, but soon I see Zelda behind all the balloons. "Hi Alex! I heard what happened and I wanted to make sure you were okay" Zelda says. How sweet. "Thanks Zelda!" I say. I find my way around the balloons and hug her. "Can I come in?" she asks like something happened. "Whats up?" I ask. "Well, I got kicked out of my house for getting bad grades" she says. "That's horrible!" I exclaim. "Ehh, it happens all the time. I got an F in Maths" she says. "Yikes" I say. "Come on, lets go upstairs" I say and slowly go up the stairs.

"Zelda's here!" I exclaim and go sit on the couch. "Okay" Dan says.

"Well, I have to go. Whenever I kicked out, I go stay with my aunt. Bye Alex" she says and walks down the stairs to exit the flat. Dan comes and sits next to me and I nestle my head into his chest. "Its already 11:30 and you basically got murdered today. You should get some rest" Dan says, rubbing my head. My eyes are basically glued shut. The last thing I hear before I fall asleep is 'I love you Alex. Sleep tight, baby girl'


Hello guys! I love chapter when I can write bad things about Belle. I almost hate her and she isn't even real! WE ARE ALMOST AT 1,000 READS THIS ISN'T A DRILL! Haha! Well, how are you guys? I need to ask you guys a question, are you enjoying the story so far? And what should happen next? Everyone of you bums should go comment and answer does. If you don't I will hunt you down and...






You would all love a Christa hug, wouldn't you? Don't deny it, I am a good hugger. This just got awkward if you said no... WHATEVER! (\ o.0 /) HUGGIEZ!

Otay well, you know what time it is...







Adopted by Dan HowellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon