Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 28

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(A.N I know I'm irregularly updating, so let's pretend that basically we've been in December 2k14 for a little while, but we are still where we left off, m'kay? Get it? Got it? Good.)

"Goooooood morning, good morning, TO YOUUUUUU!" Dan sings when I open my eyes. He was sitting down next to me in his bed on his laptop, scrolling through Tumblr, as it seems. 

"Hi," I mumble.

"How are you?"

"Good, and yourself, Daniel?"

"Are you ever just going to call me Dad?"

"Maybe," I say and get out from under the covers. I go to my room and look at myself in the mirror.

"Damn, I'm a wreck," I say to myself and drag a brush through my hair. I put on a t shirt and some sweats and walk to the bathroom. I take a towel and rinse my face. I pull my hair up in a ponytail. I wander out into the kitchen and get a  glass of water. I sit down in the lounge and drink my water.

"Hey Alexandra Rose," Phil walks in and says. I wave and he sits down next to me. He puts on the TV and plays X Box. 

"Wanna play?" he asks and I shake my head. He shrugs and yells at the TV. I laugh and scroll through Twitter on my phone. Many loving things, many hating things. But today, something seemed to get to me.

" @EwAlexHowell: I saw this girl out last night, wasted af. She was kissing any guy she saw, and playing ass grab. She's such a thot, like she should just kill herself. @danisnotonfire yes, that is your daughter"

"What the actual fuck," I say, tears glistening in my eyes. I wipe them away, and immediately wrap my arms around Phil.

"What's wrong, Alex?" he asks, taking my phone from my hand.

"I knew about the hate account, but that's not true! I swear!" I say. 

"ALEX!" Dan screams and runs into the lounge. I start shaking, hoping I won't get screamed at.

'It's not true, Dan! I swear!" I say in fear. It's not true. Zelda knows. I was at the dance, having a terrible time!

"Alex, what is this tweet? Since when do you have hate accounts?" he asks, slightly mad at me.

"Since you told them. But I was at the dance! Ask Zelda and Connor! Ask Flynn!" I yell.

"Calm down," Phil says, rubbing my back.

"I believe you, calm down. Who is this?" He asks.

"I don't know, that's why it's a 'Anon Hate Account'," I say, tears still dripping down my face. Dan sits down, leaving me in the middle of them. He wraps me up in his arms, making me want to cry more. He is a great fatherly feature, he still understands teenagers.

"Look, I know you didn't drink, I believe you, even if you do seem hungove-"

"I am not hungover! I did not drink!" I disrupt.

"I know, I know," He says, kissing my forehead. 

Later that day we go shopping, considering really need new clothes. He pulls out his Oyster card and pays for me to get on and we board the underground.

'Oh, look at this!" I say, pointing at an oversized Christmas jumper with little green raindeer on it. I cannot wait for Christmas. About a week, I believe.

 About £60 of clothes and random crap later, we are back in the flat, debating on what is for dinner.

"Chinese?" Phil offers.

"No, I want tacos." Dan says, "what about you, Alex?"

"I don't care, tacos, I guess," I say.

Soon enough, we turn our kitchen into a Mexican restaurant. I am wearing a sombrero, dancing around with a taco shell in my hand. I suavely put it into the oven, and jump into Dan's arms.

"Olay!" I shout, and make both Dan and Phil crack up. We finish our tacos and eat them in the lounge while watching Sword Art Online on Netflix.

"I love both of you," I say.

"We love you too, Alex," Phil says, and Dan smiles at me. They scoot closer to me on the sofa and Dan kisses my cheek.


HERRO! How is you guys? I haven't updated in a while, sowwy! And I'm sorry this is a short chapter, I'm a lazy mofo. But yeah, love y'all. BOO BYEE BITCHES!

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