Adopted By Dan Howell Ch. 12

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"Wakey Wakey! I overslept. Its 6:30! Hurry!" Phil says. "Another day at hell." I whimper. "You didn't even stay the whole day yesterday, Alex" Phil points out. "Whatever" I say and get up. I put on some jeggings and a tshirt. I but on my boots and a hoodie to top it off and head out to the kitchen. "Grab a granola bar and eat it on the way!" Phil exclaims. I do what he says and I go out the door.

I am just calmly walking down the street. "Oh Alex! Suprise!" Belle yells as she jumps ot of a bush with a friend. They are both holding a bucket. Next thing I know, I am getting buckets of mud thrown all over me. I walk up to Belle. I can't control myself sometimes. I punch her in the face. "I think you broke my nose! I just got punched yesterday!" She screams. "Thats what you get for being a fucker" I say and kick her in the gut and leave a nice footprint on her shirt. I start walking back to the flat.

"Alexandra? Why are you covered in mud?" Dan sreams. "And why aren't you at school!? Its 7:00!" He yells and gets up. He looks like there is going to be steam coming from his ears. "Well, I was just walking to school when the same girl that turned my into lunch yesterday jumped out of a bush and covered me in mud with a friend" I explain. "I called her a Fucker and punched her in the face and kicked her in the gut" I finish. "Go take a shower, get dressed and calm down. We will take a bus" Dan explains. "Okay" I agree and go to the bathroom. We dont end up leaving for like another 4 hours. Each of our classes is 1 hour.

"Alex, your late" my 4th period teacher says as I walk ino the room. "Sorry" I say and sit down. Zelda eyeballs me with a confused look on her face. "I will tell you later" I mouth to her. I wish I could tell Mimi but she is in 10th grade. We only have lunch together.

When I go to leave the room and head to my locker, I get trampled. "Alex!" Connor and Zelda yell. They run up to me. "Hi" I say. "Why were you late?" Zelda asks. "I was innocentely walking to school when Belle and her friend jumped out of a bush and covered me in mud. Then I called her a fucker, punched her in the face and kicked her in the gut" I explain.  "Alex! Your kidding"  Connor says. "Nope" I say and Zelda high fives me. "Wow, there is a devil in that little 5 foot body" Connor say and I laugh.

"Did you forget a lunch again?" Connor asks, gazing into my locker. "No, I really don't have time to make stuff in the morning, Dan or Phil would probably accidentally poison me, and I am scared of school lunches" I say. "Well, that doesn't mean you can starve yourself!" Zelda says. "Shhhhh! Don't scream that! I am not starving myself, I am just not hungry" I say. "How would you Dan and Uncle feel about that if I told them you weren't eating lunch?' Connor asks. "They would probably get mad at me, so that's why you don't tell them" I say. "Hey, Alex! Over here!" Mimi says, running up to my locker. "Hey Mimi" I say. "What are you up to?" she asks. "Nothing, just getting lectured by my friends" I say. She laughs. "You still never told me why you guys look alike" Connor says. "And right now isn't the time. Too many people around" Mimi says. "Is it really that secretive?" "Yes" Mimi answers. "Okay well lets just go eat" Zelda says.

"Okay, school is over and we are outside, alone. Can you tell me why you look alike now?" Connor asks. We are heading to the library to do our homework together. "Okay, if you insist. She is my birth sister" I say like no big deal. "Wait... Hold on. You basically have the power to scream the fuck at who put you up for adoption!?" "Well, maybe I am happy right now and I don't want to!" I scream. "But still, go can just go show them that you don't need them!" he argues. "And its my mother fucking life, and I really don't want them to know that I am here right now. For all I care, they can go die! They fucking left me outside of an orphanage for fucks sake!" I scream and turn around and storm off. Connor looks like he wants to shove a shoe in his mouth. "Alex, are we still going to the library?" Connor asks. "No" I say and run to who knows where. I just run. I have an odd feeling that Connor is running after me but I am not going back. The tears in my eyes make the world in front of me blurry. Fuck this, I wish I never got adopted. Life would be better if I was still in the orphanage and in the classroom. If I was holding the little kids that don't really understand. If I could just be the loner that sat on her computer on all her free time. Next thing I know, I am sitting on the doorstep of the orphanage, waiting to see if Connor didn't give a fuck. "Alexandra?" Mrs. Leachman asks, looking out the window. "Alex, get in here!" She exclaims. When I walk into the door, she grabs my hand and brings me into her room. Her and her husband live here to take care of the kids that live here, the unwanted kids. "Do you want tea?" she asks. I nod my head. She walks back to the sofa and hands me a steaming cup of tea. "Why are you here?" she asks. "I miss this place, a lot" I choke out. She rubs comforting circles on my back. "Isn't your father going to be worried?" she asks. "Don't call him that. He isn't my father. All he did was take me away from here!" I scream. "DNA doesn't make a family, love does" Mrs. Leachman quotes.

"I will call your father to come pick you up" Mrs. Leachman says 3 hours later. I nod.

"Thank you for keeping her here" Dan say as he comes and gets me. "No problem" Mrs. Leachman says and closes the door. "Me and Phil were worried sick! We thought you got killed on your way home from the library!" he says as he hugs me. "I'm sorry. And I know self defense" I say. "Lets go home" he says.. I nod and we start walking.


Did anyone see this coming?  And how do you like my new cover?








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