4. S-A-M

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"I see her!" Alyssa said while holding a Swarovski Swarovision binoculars.

"Hold on. Where?" I asked as I positioned myself for a better view.

We are currently on the ground on the rooftop of the hotel, using expensive binoculars to spy on Anthony's girlfriend from a casino in another closeby building.


Good question. It just so happen that Milko and Alyssa are known in the Casino. Not to mention that the owner of the hotel and casino is a family friend of Alyssa's family. It would blow our cover and plan if Anthony and his girlfriend find out we're stalking her. We wanted it to appear as if meeting her was just pure coincidence.

"Girls. Don't make it too obvious that we're spying on her." Milko added.

"How Milko? We're on the ground holding your spy tools. Where did you even get these? You made me wear these crappy earphones that you said will help me hear their conversation, but so far all I can hear is my stomach protesting in hunger. Can't we just figure something out and bump into her as any normal person would?" Alyssa protested, removing and throwing the earphones on the ground.

"Uh. Who do you think we are, Miss? Some lowly peasant? What if she finds out who we are? My face is all over Instagram. And magazines. I'm an influencer." Milko replied by removing his sunglasses that he claims can zoom in close no matter the distance.

"Posting pictures on the internet won't make you an influencer Milko. " Alyssa answered.

"How old are you? That's exactly how it is now. You post a picture, you hype shit up, bam, you label yourself an influencer." Milko said.

True story.

I swear Milko and Alyssa bicker like an old married couple. Milko seems to know how to push Alyssa's buttons. She always seemed calm and composed until Milko opens his mouth. If I didn't know Milko is into men, I would have thought there was something going on between them.

"Whatever. You got a million-dollar bank account, you don't need publicity. " Alyssa added.

"Amen to that sister. " Milko replied.

"But can we at least get up already? I feel like we're meat being barbecued on a grill." she said facing Milko.

Only Milko can make Alyssa do something like that. Alyssa is serious often so I find it funny when she's forced to go out of her comfort zone and interact with Milko. As far as I know, they were schoolmates in an exclusive school and have always known each other.

"Guys. She's moving. She's going away!" I informed the two who continued bickering. I got up and approached the nearby exit. Milko and Alyssa followed shortly.

No. I'm not letting you go away.

With her profile and photos on my hands, there's no doubt it's her.


My mismatched shoes fell off.

Ugh! It's not the time to be Cinderella right now Emi.

I continued running and left the shoes behind. After getting off the elevator, I ran fast like I'm in a marathon and the show Amazing Race at the same time. I saw Milko and Alyssa catching up to me.

I finally see the light!

I was almost near the entrance when I bumped into someone and we both fell on the ground.

"Ugh. Aw!" I tried to slowly stand up while Alyssa helped me.

A man wearing an expensive-looking suit soon approached us.

"No, thank you. I'm fine" I said, dismissing his help as his arms were extended towards my direction.

"No, I'm trying to help my wife. Please move." the man said as he helped the woman to be back on her feet.

"Wife?" I asked. The man didn't spare any second as he continued to help out the woman lying on the ground, ignoring what I just said.

"I'm sorry, did you just say, wife?"I asked again.

"Yes. I'm his wife. Is there any problem?" the woman answered. I looked at both of them.

It makes sense...

Anthony isn't the type of guy who prefers women older than him. It says on her profile that this woman is in her mid-30's to 40's.

Come to think of it, this woman wearing LV monogram all over her entire body doesn't seem the type Anthony goes for.

"Nothing. I'm sorry about that. I hope you're okay." I replied. They looked at each other and left without saying a word while giving us strange looks.

The three of us were left standing outside while facing each other.

"Milko?" I said. Raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes?" he answered as he hid behind Alyssa.

"Where the hell is our guy? And who is that?" I turned around and faced Milko.

"I don't know. The detective sent me a lot of photos of her with Anthony. You've seen it yourself too." he answered.

"Did he confirm that Anthony has been dating her?" Alyssa asked.

"Well...Yes. Hmm...Actually no. He hasn't. He just sent me the photo and the profile. And I got too excited and I.." Milko reasoned.

"Okay okay. Enough." Alyssa said.

"So..What do we do now?" she added.

The Mortenson's have always been private with everything. The news about Anthony dating someone barely came out. They are always willing to sue anyone and discuss whatever allegations and scandals they face. It has been difficult finding out more about Anthony's girlfriend.

With nothing but desperation left, I said "We can't go on hiring random detectives as they may also have connections with them. I think it's time we take matters into our own hands. Let's stalk Anthony." I suggested as I looked at Alyssa and Milko.

They both smiled at each other as if saying they agreed to the plan.

A new plan is born.


Stalk Anthony Mortenson. 


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