28. A Love That Endures

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Curtis POV;

I was worried sick for Emi's constant disappearance whether at work or from home. I've wanted to talk to her about it but I couldn't find her at all. Now that I caught her coming home late, it was the perfect opportunity I needed to talk things out with her.

In the middle of our conversation, Emi asked me a question I didn't had the guts to answer. But to enlighten her, I have no choice but to open up. Maybe this will also help her come to terms with her own feelings. I suspect she ended up getting too close to Elizabeth. More than she even planned.

At first, she was only interested in finding out more about Anthony and his business but shortly after, she probably realized she was more intrigued about Elizabeth and wants to find out more about her than she does with Anthony. After a while, Emi struggled to keep her distance from Elizabeth and started avoiding her. But she couldn't. Meanwhile, everything else in her life became rocky in terms of work. She's been neglecting everything.

She was constantly going out and about when it comes to Elizabeth. To the point that it worries me. I didn't want Emi to get hurt in the end. She might not know it yet, but her actions towards Anthony will surely affect Elizabeth too. That's why as early as now, if I have to be the bad guy, I'll do it. So she can learn to separate work from her own personal feelings.

"Tell me. Why do you hate them? Whatever you say will be only be between us." She replied.

"David Monks." I said.

"The financial adviser, who is also your friend, Dave right? What about David Monks?"

"I was once a young adult starting in this rat race to success. I came from a poor background but that never stopped me from working hard and achieving my goals. I lack money, but never the support of my parents and those around me. It was impossible to thrive in the world we lived in before. As you know, being from a different race made it even more difficult. No one sees you for the talent you have, but for the color of your skin. Still.. those things never stopped me. I excelled in the things I do for starting companies, no one wanted to make a gamble in me. But Nicolas who was older and more experienced in business came to me, he saw my potential and gave me a chance to work in his company and be a business advisor that I am today.

When I was just starting, that's when I met David Monks. He was the complete opposite of me. Everything was handed to him. Yet, he works hard. You wouldn't even know that he came from a wealthy family. We were rivals when it comes to business, yet we found friendship from each other. Nicolas was a witness to all of it.

Years passed and friendship turned unexpectedly to something else. I have always known I'm attracted to men, and at one point David was aware of it. It was a big deal back then, but David was accepting of it and he saw me as a human than anything else.

It took time for us to get there but once we did..there was no turning back. We fell hard for each other. We started making false dreams of the future. How we will move somewhere and start a new life together. A place where they wont see two men loving each other as a revelation, but as two humans who just loves..

That bliss didn't last long...

We were welcomed by a harsh news slapped cold to our faces.

David's family found out about us and his father threatened him, saying he will harm me and my family if he doesn't obliged into marrying Miranda Heimer of the Heimer clan. Another wealthy family close to the Monks.

I told David that I didn't care. That I will take my family elsewhere where they will be safe and that he could come with me and live somewhere far away. We will start a new life. I wont give up on him and he wont give up on me.

I used all my savings and even abandoned my work and Nicolas. Even tho, he helped me greatly before. I couldn't turn my back to love.

Everyone can love. But not everyone can love freely. I no longer wanted to exist in a society where loving another human regardless of their sexuality is considered a luxury. A luxury not people like me can afford. I fought so hard for everything in my life. Please let this love be something I wouldn't have to begged so hard and fight for.

Everything was set. That night.. I waited for David. I waited and waited. We were about to escape. Everything was planned.

But..he... David never came."

Tears started flowing out of my eyes. I didn't know this will still make me cry no matter how long it has been. Emi stood there silently, her arms folded, as if she's soothing herself from what she just hard.

She looked at me with so much concern. She came closer and reached out for my hand. I held her hand and continued with my story.

"That night.. David never came to meet me. I lost all of my contacts with him. I sent him letters but they were all returned back to me. I had to leave the city to hide for a while, for the fear that his family will harm me.

I never heard back from David. It's as if we never happened. We never existed. I felt like such a fool.

After a while, a news came. David married Miranda Heimer, now Miranda Monks. They soon had a baby. They also left the city and moved abroad.

He soon established his own company and was doing well. I also returned back to Nicolas and resumed my work in his company. Years passed and David returned back here. He was well known and successful at that point. I never dared to contact him or see him again.

When I had enough wealth and power, I had everything investigated. I found out Alicia Mortenson, known as Ali, Anthony's mother, who was once in David's circle of friends found out about my relationship with David and informed his parents about it. She was the cause of everything. Since no one knew about David and Me other than Nicolas. Her older brother who was friends with the Heimer suggested to push through with the wedding to the Monks, putting even more fuel to the fire everything proceeded and they did ended up getting married.

Ali also spread rumors about me throughout high society. People avoided me like plague. She did all that simply because she can.

Nicolas did everything he could in his power to clear up the gossip and avoid the scandal from spreading. It took some time for that to happen.

Later on, I found out that David did what he did in order to protect me. Otherwise both families wont leave me alone. 

But after everything that happened, after meeting  you, and realizing we share a common enemy, I had Mateo contact David in order to help you out. I know he is someone who can help you transform the company to reach a higher rate of success. I was surprised he accepted it. But probably knowing David has 2 kids now, the story about us has already died down.

And that the reason why my dear Emi, why I hate the Mortensons. I hold a personal grudge against them.

Throughout everything, I believe David never knew what actually happened. I couldn't bring myself to reach out to him and talk to him personally. Simply because I figured he had moved on. He has a wife, kids, successful business. I guess it all worked out for him in the end. What else is there to clear? So for the sake of the both of us. At least let me do this for my own peace. For all I can offer him is a love that can endure..."



That's Curtis and David's back story for you. Will update Friday next week. Again apologies for typos.

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