31. I Don't Love You, But...

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‼️ A/N; pls keep in mind that this will be told in the perspective of Anthony ‼️

Anthony's POV:

I couldn't believe in what just transpired in front of my very eyes. After years of not seeing each other Emily stood in front of me again spouting words I never imagined to hear out from her.

What had truly happened between us.. I couldn't fathom to think of. I try not to dwell on the past.

Regardless of what has happened, I couldn't understand where the hate was coming from. She spoke as if she planned to take revenge to my entire family. I'm confused where it's stemming from.

I wanted to ask her. I wanted to clear things up. If only she gave me a chance to speak. With the champagne drenched on my entire face, it was clear that a conversation is the last thing she wants to have with me. So instead, I stood there as I let her speak her mind.

After the disagreement she had with my mom, I wanted to approach her and ask what this is all about. How and why she ended up acquiring our properties and what these all meant. All I had are questions on my head. I wasn't able to say anything once Elizabeth approached me.

From afar, I saw Emily looking back. But it seems like she was looking at Elizabeth and not directly at me.

If only I have a chance to sit down and talk.

But how...?

Elizabeth tried to dry my face with her handkerchief. We are on friendly terms, but our relationship is far from romantic. This relationship is simply business. Something of convenience. Regardless, Elizabeth treated me kindly. Never an ounce of hostility or awkwardness.

During times like this is when I'm grateful for having her on my side. I can tell she's curious, yet she didn't say a word. She just made sure I was okay.

For now, that's all I can ask. I took Elizabeth home after shortly talking to my parents. I promised to discuss everything with them as soon as I get home. Honestly, with everything that has happened today, going home is the last thing on my mind.

"We're here." I said. Elizabeth remained silent. I wanted to ask her if she's not even going to question me about the entire scene, who Emily is, why she did that, and what will happen to us now.

I guess she never really cared much for our relationship. Lately, she's been cancelling last minute on the promise dates when we were supposed to meet. She disappears with no explanation and sometimes it's hard to reach her phone. And none of her employees seem to know where she went.

Sure, we are together not because of love, but we agreed to keep the respect and loyalty to each other as long as we are in this relationship. So I never doubted her. But her actions recently had me questioning everything.

How do I bring myself to ask her if she's the woman I saw at her birthday art exhibit talking to a man I've never seen before. Then randomly, I see her again wearing a different outfit. Why would she go that far? Is that woman I saw even her?

A lot of questions but no solutions to any of it.

My thoughts were cut off when Elizabeth bid me good night. I nodded and watch her as she enter her house while being greeted by her butler and housemaids. I raised my head and waved slightly to greet them.

I waited for a while until they were completely gone.

My phone rang. The name was showing on the screen

Casey Lipking

Casey is calling me. She must have heard about what happened already.

"Case. So you've heard." I said.
"You know how it is. You good?" She asked.

"No. Not really. I'll tell you everything when we meet. For now, I need your help. I know you have the best connections for this favor I'm going to ask you." I said as I get inside my car for my privacy. Checking if no one's around.

"Shoot." She said.

"I need you to investigate Elizabeth." I said. I heard Casey breathe heavily.

"She's been doing last minute cancellations on our dates and constantly disappearing. I doubt that she might be cheating on me." I added.

"So? You don't love her right?" She asked.

"I don't. But still. I want to know who I'm dealing with. Who is meeting with behind my back? How can I use this situation to my advantage?" I said.

"Ahhh. There it goes. It all ends up about being business. Hmm okay sure. I can see what I can do. I'll contact you again. Let's meet." Casey said. We said our goodbyes and I hang up.

After talking to Casey, I felt like I was given hope. At least one of the questions in my head will be finally answered. I trust her. She's my only ally.

Casey and I have been friends for so long. She's the first friend I made since I came. She's a few years older than me which made our friendship most unlikely to happen according to other people. Casey has 2 other brothers and 1 younger brother, who is popular among high society, Milko Lipking.

The fact that nothing was expected from Casey and me being an outcast and outsider when I first came here made us bond together. We share the same thoughts, goals, and opinions. Casey has been full of wisdom and she's always straightforward. She will tell you what she thinks. She will really give you a piece of her mind.

She guided me and supported me. Really, if I win an award it would be impossible for her name not to come up.

Casey is truly amazing. And how lucky I am to have a friend like her on my side. Knowing this give me at least a sense of peace. After finding out who Elizabeth is meeting, I'll need time to think things out and figure out what my next move will be.

I don't love her but I also can't let her go.

At least for now...



Next update is Sunday with a few more chapters. Keeping my promise that this story ends this September. I have other stories planned, so I'm super excited to post them here! ☺️

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