24. The Present Called The Present

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I haven't heard from Milko and Alyssa for a while already. I send them a message from time to time to ask them how they are. The response always seems like it's automated, since it's always short and prompt. So I decided to just let them be and give them space.

I know when they are ready they will both open up to me.

But, what happened that evening with Milko was truly unforgettable. We cried on the phone together for more than an hour. I've never heard or seen him that vulnerable. In a way, I'm happy to be the person to be there for him during this tough time.

I may never know what happened between the two of them. Whatever it is, I hope the future will be smiling for the both of them. No more tears, just all smiles.

As for me, I've been spending more and more of my time hanging out with Elizabeth every after art session. We would go to the nearby cafe, go to an art store together, or simply go for a walk around the area.

And just like that, time passed.

Another art session ended, Elizabeth and I went to vendo to get a drink. We sat beside each other on a bench near the parking lot. A scene like this has been reoccurring. It wasn't unusual for us to spend time like this.

I opened my drink, my head facing forward.

"It'll be my birthday soon." Elizabeth said.

I took a sip of my drink and asked "Is there any present you would like?"

"The present." She answered.

I quickly turned to her with confusion evident on my face. As soon as I turned to her, I was faced by the blinding light of the sunset. Then my gaze went to Elizabeth's face. It's as if she's glowing. The gentle breeze of wind touched Elizabeth's hair.


I thought to myself.

It reminded me of the time when I first saw Elizabeth for the first time at the park. She was beautiful then, she's even more beautiful now.

If you would look for the word Perfection in the dictionary, the meaning of the word would say Elizabeth.

The person in front of me has been my friend for almost a year now. At first I've felt a wall between us. All she has ever told me was about art, history, general affairs. But slowly she told me a little bit of her background, without revealing information about being brought up in a wealthy family, she also told me about her aspirations, friends she made along the way, and even her love life.

Although, she admitted to be in a relationship with someone, she never really brought up Anthony's name. Just some information about him here and there.

I also found out that she used to be model as a kid until her teenage years and how her first love is a model as well. Although, she never revealed the name.

There's so much to know and yet I still want to know more.

I've opened up to Elizabeth myself as well. I told her about the tragedy that happened to my grandparents and the family I used to nanny for. I even ended up crying to her during that time. I also told her about what happened between me and Anthony. Of course, I didn't dare say his name.

I told her pretty much everything in my past..except for my real identity, my now background, and some information. I also told her that I'm trying to take revenge to my ex-boyfriend.

You would think she would disagree, but knowing Elizabeth, she has no mean bone in her body. She said she understood and in the end, she supports me. But she also said not to let this be a hindrance for my growth and happiness.

Truly, Elizabeth became a dear friend to me. I wish at some point, I can tell her the entire truth.

My thoughts were cut off when Elizabeth reached out for my hand that was on my lap. I almost gasp when she held it. I looked her in the eye and asked

"The present? The present you wanted is the "present?"

"This. Being with you... is the gift." She replied.

I smiled.

I had a weird feeling in my heart.

My heart was not racing fast, instead it felt so at peace. For the first time in the long time, I felt everything in the world is just...right.

Elizabeth, you are a gift to the world.


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