5. Finding Who

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After what happened, I went back to the office to continue telling Dave the story about me losing the people I love and having to work for the Bren family. It was rather a personal story so I wasn't expecting him to ask and actually listen. He insist it's needed for me to open up to him, so he can better assess the entire situation.

"That's it. That's how I was able to work for the Brens. After that..." My story was cut short by Dave's ringing phone.

"Excuse me. I have to take this." He stood up and went out of the room.

I stood up right after and stared at the view outside. Deep down I was dying to find out who owns Anthony's heart.

Did she fall for Anthony's passion for cooking? His ability to draw? His love for collecting paintings? Does she love him for his sloppy handwriting? Corny jokes? Does she love him for all of his flaws? or is she only with him because he is the son of the leading real estate mogul of the country? No matter what her reasons are...I hope she loves him just the same. The Anthony I fell for was charismatic, kind, and dedicated to whatever he puts his heart into. I don't know if that's still the case now... People change. Time can also change people. I just don't know if he's still the same person I loved.

I glanced at my phone and checked to see if Milko sent me a message, but it was Alyssa's name that appeared on the phone screen. I felt the urgency from her text message.

We are here near their company. Meet us at the parking lot. NOW.

She sent me an address after that. I was about to reply that I can't go right now because Dave might lose his patience with me and leave. At the state of the company right now, I badly need him and his help. Dave came back inside the room and said

"Sorry. Something came up and I really need to go back to the office. Can we arrange the meeting some other time?"

"Oh. That's fine. I understand." I said while standing up.

Perfect. I have the perfect opportunity now to go.

"Marissa, my secretary, will be in contact with Claire. Thanks for the coffee," he added.

He left quickly and I followed him to say goodbye. I watched through the window as Dave left and went to the parking lot. I made sure he was gone before I could leave. I didn't want to make it seem like I was really waiting and excited for him to go.

I left shortly after him and went to the address Alyssa sent me. Waiting there already are Alyssa and Milko. In fear of being spotted nearby the area, I left my car 15 mins away from their building. I put on my shades and didn't want to look around and seemed suspicious. I spotted an English White Rolls Royce Phantom. They left the car door slightly open and I got in. They both weren't looking at me and staring straight ahead.

"Uhm? Okay? What's up?" I asked as I made myself comfy inside the car.

"Shh, we have to be on the lookout. What if someone is watching us. I'm telling you we are being watched! We're being watched!" Milko hysterically said.

"Oh c'mon, Iko, if we're spotted we can just abandon the mission. And besides, you set up a tent nearby. Way to go without being suspicious." Alyssa said.


only Alyssa calls him like that. It just shows their closeness to each other.

"Wait, what? A tent nearby?" I asked.

"Yeah. He told his staff to set up a huge tent for us nearby. He said we might need to use the toilet, eat, and sleep." she answered.

"Oh, I don't think we would be staying that long here," I said.

"Anything can happen girls! Listen!" Milko replied as his phone started ringing. He answered. Both Alyssa and I looked at Milko and moved closer to listen.

"Okay, okay copy that." Milko ended the call shortly.

"I told my staff to go inside the building," Alyssa said.

"Your what?"I asked.

"Yeah, Alyssa's staff infiltrated the building. How cool is that?!" Milko added.

I already have a feeling how Alyssa's staff was able to do that, but I still asked her and said

"How?" I turned to Alyssa waiting for her to answer. She looked at me and smiled.

Her smile alone confirmed the answer. I smiled back at her.

"I think I know..." I said. Milko stared at both of us.

"Uh-huh... You know how," he added, a slight smirk forming in his mouth.


Almost, Always Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora