6. Who Are You,Woman?

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"The Waltons own it," Alyssa replied.

"The Waltons? Henry?" I asked.

"Yup. No other than the great Waltons. Right, Aly?" Milko teased.

Henry Walton came from the affluent family of Waltons who owns some of the most successful chains of hotels and casinos in the country. Alyssa and Henry have been set for an arranged marriage ever since Alyssa was 18. It was all over the news as people believe that it's the Baugh's plan, Alyssa's family, to merge their power and acquire properties from the Waltons. Alyssa doesn't agree with her parents, and as revenge, she started her own business, a fashion brand that goes against the traditions of their family, to only run a business that has been started by their great grandparents. Because that's the only thing she can do to rebel against them. But that's something Alyssa doesn't like to open up about.

Who knows? Maybe in time, she will.

"I see him! I see him!" Milko exclaimed.

"Follow him!" I said.

Just the sight of Anthony still brings great pain to my heart. That's how I realized that this isn't really over. I still feel for him. No matter how long it has been. I want to see him eye to eye, but I also fear how painful it might be for me. Even though I have been a Bauman for almost 4 years now, I tried my best to avoid him and often left the country to deal with business overseas. A part of him couldn't face him. My heart wont let me.

I hated him for what he has done, but what if the time comes that I get to face him, instead of telling him how much he hurt me, I'll end up telling him how I still love him? I fear that moment...I really do. As much as I want the feelings to go away, it just doesn't work like that. People leave when they want, feelings don't. Even when the relationship is over, the love still stays. It doesn't just go away...

"Wait! Let me drive. Milko sucks at driving. I don't want to die yet. Thank you." Alyssa answered.

"Seriously??? Milko?" I added.

"That's why I need a driver, Emi." He replied. Alyssa went out and changed spots with Milko.

"We're losing him," I said. Moving closer to the driver's seat.

"No. I can still somehow see his car." Alyssa said.

"There are other cars in front now too!" Milko added.

We were able to almost follow Anthony, but not enough to catch him. We ended up guessing which street he went to. The business district is the most logical answer. We couldn't find where he parked his car so we decided to get out of the car and walk instead.

"Where in the universe are we??" Milko asked.

I looked around and thought of any possible place Anthony would want to go to.

It's just a bunch of office buildings and an art museum.

"Oh.my.gaaaaaddd!!! Look!" Milko yelled pointing to the art museum in front of us.

"Li Fei has an exhibit today! Please. We have to go!!" He suggested.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"My older sister Casey is a fan of Li Fei. She's a modern realist painter. We have her paintings in one of our houses. I haven't seen her but I've heard so much of her art. She's so good! We have to go guys. I beg you. I wanna see her art." Milko begged.

"Alright. Alright. We'll go." Alyssa answered.

"So... Emi? Are you good with that?" She asked leaning towards me.

"Well. We couldn't find Anthony. So... Yes." I replied.

"Yes!! Guys!! You 2 are the best! Can't wait to tell my followers about this!" Milko excitedly said.

The 3 of us went in. Milko keeps on talking about Li Fei and her art. As soon as we got inside, I saw the most amazing art pieces I've ever seen in my life.

"Wow. Li Fei..Is really. Good." I whispered to Milko.

"Right?? I told you so. I'm so happy we went here!" He said. I've never seen Milko this excited and happy before.

Something about her art gives me peace. I wonder what kind of person Li Fei is.

We continued walking to see the rest of the gallery.

"Shut.The.Door." Milko randomly said. Stopping both Alyssa and me from walking. We looked where Milko was looking.

And there she was from afar.

The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. A face I have seen before.

She has long brown wavy hair and the same style of the floral lace dress as I wear, only a different color.

How can I ever forget that face?

A face that haunts me up until this day. I wonder if her soul is as beautiful as her face. What is your name human? How can you be so real?

I felt Milko and Alyssa both looking at me.

"Emi..." Alyssa paused for a while and continued saying

"is it just me or..that beautiful woman over there has the same hairstyle and dresses the same as you...? Your style looks so similar to her." Alyssa said with confusion on both her and Milko's face.


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