35. A Kiss From My Lover

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Emi's POV:

A lot has happened recently. Time really waits for no one. There has been no single trace of Elizabeth.

My work that piled up before has started to lessen. I spent most of my time working, reading, or spending time with Mateo. He never fails to visit me either at my office or my house.

I acted like nothing happened after Mateo and I went to David's house. I pretended not to see things. I didn't want to play god. I'm pretty sure, David or Curtis could both have met and patch things up, and they didn't. So who am I to meddle and fix things for them, when clearly there's just too much going on. A wound that still hasn't been healed. No matter how long it has been.

That gave me realizations and instilled fear in me at the same time. I do not want to have the same regrets.

I don't want a life where there is no more Elizabeth.

I fear for that day and wonder if that day will ever come. How can I endure? How will I continue? I don't see myself with anyone else.

After a few months, Alyssa got married to her long time fiance Henry Walton, a successful enigmatic entrepreneur. Everyone in high society showed up. Regardless if they are close to the bride or groom, this was a good opportunity for them to meet influential people. Some attended simply to network and build connections.

The venue was at a traditional church famous for celebrity and wealthy people's weddings. The place was packed. They will have a second wedding abroad with a more intimate setting.

"Who's the one getting married? Why are you the prettiest here?" Mateo whispered.

I laughed softly.

"Shhh. Stop flirting with me." I said.

"Yeah. You're right. I should stop or else we might be the ones who will end up getting married here today." He teased.

Milko both heard us and raised his eyebrow, his eyes blinking rapidly. "Uh. Sir, ma'am, I did not sign up for this."

The three of us laughed.

I sat in between Mateo and Milko. Milko being close to the aisle.

The orchestra started playing Annie's Song. Shortly after, Alyssa entered.

(A/N: Alyssa entered at 1:08 part of this song. Please feel free to listen to this so you'll get a feel of the wedding.)

My heart hurt with pain once Alyssa passed us. She was wearing a Victoria Swarovski Michael Cinco gown with a 26 foot long veil that Milko and her both help design together. She waved and smiled sweetly. She looked stunning. Although it couldn't conceal the sadness in her eyes once she saw Milko.

"This is our song. I played this song for her. It became her favorite. This song sums up what I feel for her." Milko said softly.

The song goes like;

Come, let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come, let me love you
Come love me again

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