14. The Plan

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"You have to help me" I begged as I sit next to Mateo. Staring him straight in the eye.

"But...It just doesn't make sense, Emi. What you just told me. I just...I don't know. Are you sure about this?" Matteo asked while staring back at me.

"don't you get it? It makes perfect sense really. If I befriend Elizabeth I'll find out more about Anthony and what he and his family is up to." I replied.

Mateo scratched his head. I can feel his disapproval.

"Who put this idea in your head, Emi?" he asked.

I didn't say anything back.

"I'll just assume that I'm right. A little bird named Milko. Am I right?" he said. I didn't respond to his question.

"Silence means yes, Emi," he added. I just stared at him with a smile on my face. Mateo let out a sigh.

"Are you sure? I just don't want anything to happen to you," he answered.

"I get it. I understand. But you and Nicholas didn't teach me the ins and out of the business, planned and trained me for 2 years, and help me improved for the better for nothing. This might be the only and easiest way to get back at the Mortenson's, Mateo." I replied as I sit even closer to him.

I faced Mateo and held both of his hands.

"You gotta trust me please. Us wanting our revenge on the Mortenson's, to Anthony and his family, is what keeps us all together. Remember what they did with your family? How did your family dirty with their growing business?" I said trying to convince Matteo, knowing that I'm breaching a sensitive topic for him.

"I don't want to talk about that. Please," he answered as he removed his hands from mine. He looked away and stared at the window.

Talking about what the Mortenson's did is a topic Mateo never wants to talk about. It was because of them, Mateo's family and their growing firm got affected, which lead to Matteo's mother's health deteriorate. They were in debt and were only able to pay off everything slowly with the help of Mr.Nicholas Bauman and his advisor, Curtis Cleary. And in return, Matteo has worked for them ever since.

"So...How do you want to do it?" he curiously asked.

"I want to befriend her by accident. Hire someone trustworthy. See where Elizabeth goes and the things she does. I want to know everything about her." I demanded.

Mateo took a deep breath and said

"Okay. Let's do it."


"Emi, call me back. I have something to tell you." Mateo said on the voicemail. I've been busy recently that I haven't been able to get back to Mateo.

Busy with work? Or busy trying to make myself focus on other things other than Anthony. Is it really Anthony? or is this about...Elizabeth?

No. Sooner or later I have to face it.

I picked up my phone and decided to see Mateo again. I drove to the address he sent me.

An art supplies store.

"I think you already know why we're here," Mateo said right away after seeing me walk towards him. I went ahead and walk before him.

"Careful. She's there. You sure you know how to approach her?" he asked.

"You're right. Sorry. I wasn't thinking." I said as I put one hand on my forehead.

"Hey. Emi...What's up? We didn't have to meet up if you don't feel well, you know?" he replied as he put his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him with concern painted all over his face.

Mateo really is a nice guy. I thought to myself.

"I'm fine..just work. So..what have you thought of doing?" I asked.

Mateo leaned closer to me and whispered the plan to my ear.

I nodded and walked away. I looked back and waved at him. He nodded and went back to his car.

Will I be able to talk to Elizabeth without stuttering? There's only one way to find out.


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