19. How Life Works

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Back to present;

Emi's POV:

"So that's how I was able to work for the Bren's. Maxwell Bren took a liking to me. That was enough reason for his dad to agree. Of course, there was hesitation on his part, but he didn't had a choice. Max usually dislikes most of his nanny. Even Annie, the one who recommended me for the job, had a hard time getting along with Max. He was picky and wouldn't let his guard down. But for some reason, I was there when he showed his vulnerable side. I worked for the Bren's for quite some time actually.. Until.." I paused.

I felt the intense gaze coming from Dave. He seemed to be too into my story.

"What happened?" He curiously asked.

"Martin Bren, the father of Max, went to a business trip. It was otherwise a successful deal, if only he didn't take the private jet owned by the Mortenson's on his way back home..." I said.

"The Bren's are slowly catching up with the business of the Mortenson's. It was enough threat for them to act up. After they found out that Martin was able to close the deal, the threat Martin posed solidified it. He was never able to return to his son, Max. Anthony's family acquired everything from the Bren's. The stressed and depression took a toll to the already sickly Max. With no remaining close family member to look after him, it was me and Mr. Sanderson who stayed by his side until his last breath. I wasn't able to receive a few months pay because of that too. When I was younger, I never understood how powerful Anthony's family was. Not after I found out about this entire story. For me Anthony has always been the new kid in town. Although, he lived in a different community. A luxurious gated one at that. He treated me kindly. So, can you understand my confusion why he suddenly disappeared? It's as if we never happened.." I added. With sadness apparent in my voice.

The room was silent for a while. It's as if Dave was taking everything in.

"I see... you've been through a lot. But, what is the connection of your past and you being almost obsessed in finding out who Anthony is dating?" Dave asked.

"Funny you asked. It's crazy how life works. Truly." I said with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Ever since I've inherited everything from Nicolas and I've completely improved every possible aspect of myself and my life, I was asked for some kind of inspiration or look that I want to have. Funnily enough, I saw this astonishingly beautiful woman once when I was out with Max at the park. I was inspired by her look and beauty. Hence, the look I have now. And that woman...is no other than Elizabeth Ferri. Anthony's current girlfriend. See, I plan to get close to her. Destroy their relationship while I also ruin the Mortenson's business and reputation. I vow to take everything they took from me and from the people I loved. I swear..." I said as I hold back the tears with the smile on my lips.

For the very first time, I saw a smile form on Dave's lips.

"Very well then. I didn't know you have this side in you. I am pleased. I shall help you. The end of the Mortenson's will be near." He assured me.

"Thank you. But, Dave.. why does it sound like you have a personal grudge as well? Have they wronged you?" I asked. Dave looked away, avoiding any eye contact with me.

"It's nothing. Nothing you should concern yourself with." He said as he grabbed his phone as if trying to find a reason to end the conversation and leave. I remained silent, waiting for what he will say next.

"Well, I should get going. Few more weeks, and you will see the results. Make sure to save the best seat. You would want to be there in the finale." He said.

I accompanied Dave as he leave the room. I checked my phone and read a message from Mateo.

Right. I was supposed to meet up with him.


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