Chapter 22 : The Plan

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Here you go. I'm so sorry. I actually had this saved like 3 months ago but I wasn't sure if it was ready to be posted. I edited it so now it's posted. I'm such a bad updater. :( Just trying to make sure I keep the storyline steady and relatable. Thank you all and I love you all for supporting me! :D ❤️


Chapter 22 : The Plan

Xavier's POV

"Hey man, I gotta head to class."

"Alright, see you then." Jack said.

We both parted to our first hour.

The nerve of that girl to do that. I was NOT going to waste my time and decorate some stupid prom. I'm gonna have to talk to her in Art class then.

Once Art class was beginning, I knew what I was going to say to her. I walked into the doorway and saw her grab her painting from the rack and sat at the table. I went to grab my painting from the rack and sat in my seat while placing my painting on the table. I can feel her eyes shooting me daggers. Sheesh, what was her problem. Art class started as the class and Ms. Bowel was silently in tuned into their work. Clarity was painting without a care of her surroundings. I waited until a few moments so I can catch her attention.

I decided this would be the perfect time to talk to her. I whispered her name. "Clarity."

She didn't look up. Hm, maybe she didn't hear me.

"Clarity." I called her name little louder this time.

She still didn't look up. Oh I see, she's purposely pretending that I'm not here.

"Clarity!" I said in my normal tone with a little more force of volume.

She sighed and finally looked up at me. "What?" She asked, in an irritated tone.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I asked, curiously.

"What is it that you feel is so important to tell me?" She responded.

"I am not decorating anything." I said.

"You and I already agreed on it. Plus, they made us agree on it. Either that or you pay." She retorted.

"You can do the decorating yourself because you made the mess."

"It was an accident." She reasoned.

"Well, not my fault."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have made me carry your books all day then I wouldn't have gotten your books messed up."

"Well maybe you should've seen where you were going then you wouldn't be in this mess."

I noticed our voices were getting a little louder each time.

"Ugh, not even a 'thank you' from you. You're so inconsiderate!" She slightly yelled back.

"Clarity! Xavier! Would you guys like to take a trip to the principal's office?" Ms. Bowel yelled.

"No, sorry, ma'm." Clarity said.

"Well, keep it shut or I'll send you guys there. Got it?"

"Yes." Clarity and I said in unison.

The students gave us strange stares but quickly went back to their work. Ms. Bowel continued working at her desk. Clarity and I gave one last angry look at each other. She quickly put her head back down and worked on her painting and ignored me for the rest of the hour. Oh, so that's how it is. I did the same with her the rest of the hour also.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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