Chapter 20 : Dude, That Sucks

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Chapter 20 : Dude, That Sucks

Xavier's POV

School finally ended. I got to my locker, opened it, and forgot that I had given all my books to Clarity. Of course.

"Hey, ready to go?" Jack came by.

"Yeah, I have to--"

*ring ring ring*

"Hold up." I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Who is it?" Jack whispered.

I covered the speaker so the other line couldn't hear. "It's my dad. Can you get my books from Clarity?"

"Fine." Jack walked away as I continued talking on phone.

"Dad? I know. I'll do it today. Don't worry." 

*ends call*

I sighed. Sheesh. That old man. I wish he'd stop bugging me.

Jack came back with my books and gave them to me. "Thanks."

"Why did you make her do it? You are evil."

"Bad? Yes. Evil? No." I said. I placed my books into my locker. Something caught my attention. I looked at all my books and noticed that some of my books had paint splattered on them. Wow, did she really pull this joke?



"Where is Clarity?"

"I just talked to Joslyn. She told me that they were heading to Barney's Fries."

"Can you drive there? I'm gonna need to to talk to Clarity."


"Because there's paint on my books."


Jack bent down to look at my books. "Ohh...that's not good."

"I know. So can you?"


We started walking out to the school parking lot and in the car, on our way to Barney's Fries. Within ten minutes, we stopped at the parking lot.

"Wait here." I stepped out of the car and entered the restaurant. I'm gonna make sure she gets it. As soon as I got in, I saw her. She was walking like she had somewhere to go and didn't seem to pay attention to her surrounding. I took a step in front of her.

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