Chapter 16 : Deal

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Yay! A new chapter! You guys must be HAPPY!!! Haha. xD

This is dedicated to BlindAngelz because she motivated me to write this next chapter! Thank you!! ;D


Chapter 16 : Deal

Clarity's POV

I lifted my head from Joslyn's shoulder and started wiping the water from my eyes. Joslyn let go of me and rested her arms next to her sides. "I sure hope so...that maybe things will change." I softly murmured.

Joslyn's lips lifted up in a side smile. "Of course, Clarity. They will."

"Thanks Joslyn. It means a lot that you're here. You even invited me over your house after I refused to tell you anything."

"No problem, Clairity. I'm glad that I invited you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't? I had a feeling for a long time that you were going through something, but I never got a chance to tell you because I thought I would be like one of those annoying friends who always butts into people's lives."

I chuckled. "Butts. How many times have we used that?"

Joslyn gave me a confused stare as she raised her right eyebrow. "Butts? Seriously? Is that all you got from this? After crying to me and practically telling me your whole life?"

I punched her upper right arm as a friendly hit. "You said it funny." I narrowed my eyebrows and fake frowned.

"Hey! That hurt!" Joslyn whined while rubbing her right shoulder.

"Psh, no, that didn't. Plus, I was trying to make this situation a little light-hearted."

"Punching my right arm is not light-hearted!"

"It is to me. And it's a friendly punch." I smiled.

"I'm not gonna forgive you!"

"It's ok. That punch was my sorry to you."

"Really? You replace your apologies with punches?"

"Yepp. It seems to work all the time."

"Not for me!"

"Well, it will. Starting now. Hahaha!" I bursted out.

Joslyn scowled, "Meanie." She broke into a fit of laughters too. "So, did your Mom let you come over?"

"She wanted to shop for groceries by herself so it was good timing when you asked me to come over or else, I would have been bored out of my mind."

"Well, that's perfect because my Mom has some errands to run today too. We have tonight to ourselves!" Joslyn excitedly shouted while lifting both her clenched fists in the air.

I chuckled, "Joslyn, you're so silly."

Joslyn looked at the clock hanging on the wall above the tv. "It's 4:47 pm. What do you wanna do first? Movie and pizza night?"

"Sure. We have to both decide on a movie we want to watch first."

"Also for pizza toppings too."

"Yeah ok."

"What toppings would you like?"

"Pepperoni and bacon."

"I like sausage and green bell peppers."

"Oh, why do we have to be opposites."

"Hey! That's what makes us, us! Haha!"

"Yeah sure. Whatever you say."

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