Chapter 10 : Could It Be? No, It Can't...

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Chapter 10 : Could It Be? No, It Can't...

Jack's POV

As soon as I got a call about Xavier getting beat up, I ran and had to say bye to Joslyn. Who was on the phone? Sounded like a girl. Oh well. What matters now is that I find the place. Grim Street next to the BP station? I think I might know. I have to find a shortcut. Within 10 minutes, I was able to find the place. I walked closer as I turned the corner to find that girl fighting them with all her force and strength. Wow, this is no ordinary girl. I smiled as I saw all the guys backing away from her. Too scared to make a move.

"Let's get out of here..." They were about to walk away.

This is my turn to move. I turned the corner. "I don't think so."

"Look dude, we just got done with a girl. Now you?"

"You guys beat up my friend, huh? No, you're not quite finished."

I ran towards them as I fought all of them so they can get a taste of what they did to my friend. From the corner of my right eye, I saw the girl running to Xavier who is lying on the ground. She was checking for his pulse.

"Ok! Ok! Enough! Let's go guys!" They started to walk away while dragging another guy on one of their shoulders.

"You guys better think TWICE before starting trouble! You don't know who you're messing with you punks!!!" I screamed at them.

I headed to the girl and Xavier. "Hey. So you were the one on the phone, right?"

"Yeah." She answered without looking at me. She continue to face Xavier.

I kneeled down. "So, you kicked their butts?"

"I guess you can put it that way."

I let out a laugh. "Man, you're cool."

She smiled a bit.

"Alright. Let's get my friend."


The girl and I carried Xavier's arm on our shoulder as we headed to my house within 20 minutes. We stepped on my front door as I unlocked my door with the key stuck in my left pocket. As I took a step in, I took Xavier placing his arm more on my shoulders. I turned around remembering the girl was still here.


"Huh?" She lift her head.

"Thanks for the help. I can take it from here now."


I stepped in my house.

"Oh wait."

"Huh?" I turned around.

"Um, here's his phone." She gave me Xavier's phone.

"Oh, yeah. Right. Thanks." I took the phone from her hands and headed in.

She slowly turned around and walked away. She walked further as I began to wonder. My eyes widen. Crap her name. What's her name?!


Ugh, too late. She's already far. Oh well. I guess I can tell Xavier about it whenever he wakes up. I stepped into my house and placed Xavier on my living room couch. I sighed as I plopped on the couch too. What a day. I looked at Xavier. Xavier, what did you do this time? He was bleeding from his forehead and had other wounds of blood in other spots. Welp, better get cleaning. I brought some bandages, some white towels, and a bowl of water. I damped the towel and started wiping away the blood on Xavier. Bandaging his open wounds as I placed a warm wet towel on his forehead. I let him rest as I went to take a shower.

Xavier's POV

I slowly opened my eyes with tireness. Ahh, what the heck? I feel like my head's been hammered and my whole body is ached with unmeasurable pain. I finally opened my eyes as I realized I was in Jack's living room. I sat up. I touched my left forehead and noticed I had bandages on my arms and legs. What am I doing here?

"You up, bro? You knocked out last night."

I turned to my right. "Oh, hey Jack. Why am I here?"

His eyes widen. "What?! You don't remember?!"

"Well, all I remember was when I was walking and about to call you as I felt pushes and then suddenly I was beaten on the ground."

Jack sighed in relief. "Ok, good, you do remember."

"But what happened after that?..."

"Well, I'm not sure because I wasn't there, but I was ready to leave school when I got a call from your phone. I picked it up and it was a girl's voice."

"A g-girl's voice? What?"

"Yeah. She said that the person who owns the phone was getting beat up by a group of boys. I ran to find you and brought you here to get you cleaneded up."

"Thanks man. I have no idea what I would do without you."

"You shouldn't be thanking me."


"You should be thanking that girl who called. She fought for you and then helped me carried you to my house. I told her I'll take care of you from there and--"

"What's her name?"

"Oh, about that. By the time I yelled out to ask her to come back and tell me her name, she was already far walking back to where she headed to in the first place."

"Oh...what did she look like?"

"Um...she wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and...converse shoes. She had her hair pulled in a high ponytail. She looked like a rebel."

"High ponytail? Converse? ...." I was deep in thought as I tilted my head.

"Well, here's your phone. She gave this to me before she left yesterday." Jack handed me my phone.

"Oh, ok. Thanks." I said while still in thought.

"Look, I'm gonna head to school now. Lock the door when you're done taking a rest."

"Wait, Jack."


"What day is it today?"


"Thursday? Hm, ok."

"Alright. Later bro."

"Yeah. See you."

Jack left his house.

I held my phone under my chin and sighed. Hm, who could the girl be? Rebel? The image of the girl's face that sits next to me in Art class popped in my head. My eyes widen as I gasped.

P-peanut Brain? Could it be? No, it can't...


Ya! Thank U for readin'!!! You guys are really awesome! Tell me what you guys think about this story so far. Or chapter, doesn't matter. Give me feedback! Which character do you guys like best? Give your opinions or comments here! Anything is good. ;P

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