Chapter 17 : WHAT?!

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OK! Don't kill me! I know it has been exactly THREE months since my last update. I'm so very sorry! I hope you all can forgive me? I've been having killer writer's block (you know how it just kills you for eternity until one day you magically woke up alive?), been super busy, and recently been sick from the darn weather. I swear, I get sick every season! -_- Luckily, I'm getting better. THANK YOU ALL so so much for being patient! I have no idea how to thank you enough! You all have been so kind and supportive! I'm nothing without y'all! Hopefully this long chapter makes it up for the long absence? Maybe? Thank you. Happy Reading! :) <3

There is Danny on the side --->>>>>


Chapter 17 : WHAT?!

Xavier's POV

I woke up and stared at the clock by my bed. 6:19 am. Dangit, I have to wait outside by 6:30 am so Jack can pick me up. I do drive a car, but it broke down about two weeks ago. I had to drop it off at the auto store so they can fix it. It's been a while since they informed me, and I don't know why they're taking so long. I'll have to call them later. I've just been too lazy. Oh well, I just need to get ready now. I pulled the blankets off me and made my way to in the bathroom to brush my teeth, clean myself and yeah, you know the drill. I stepped out the bathroom and stepped towards my room to--



"Ok Jack! I'm coming!" I shouted like he was in the same room.

I held on to my backpack from the floor and started to dash out the door--

"Why do you always wake up late?"

I turned around and saw my dad sitting on the couch starring at me with his narrowed eyes.

" was the alarm clock's fault." I lamely excused. Psh, I was just too lazy to turn it on.

Dad "You know as hell why your car broke down. It's all your fault why she's gone. She could be dead for all I know."

My eyes widen. Of course it is. All my fault. I would never forgive myself for what I did. The blame is me.

"Not speaking?"

I didn't move my lips.

"Speak up, son!"

I didn't dare breathe a single word.

"I SAID SPEAK UP!" Dad walked closer. No, no. Please don't. I starred in horror.

"You don't even deserve to be called son. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"


Dad was now closer to my face. "Don't you dare raise your voice on me, young man. I told you. I told you to not get into those kind of troubles. It's too late. Your mom's gone. Now your sister? What are you gonna do, huh? How are you gonna fix it, huh? TELL ME!"

"I-I don't know!" I stuttered in shouts as I lowered my head.

Dad slowly raised his arm.



We heard Jack's voice yell through the thick closed door. Only if the door was opened. Maybe Jack would see the real hell in this house. Ever since my mom died, my dad started getting crazy. He would abuse Sam and me, but I always protected her. I never wanted her to get hurt. She was too young. I instead got hurt and every time I would fight back, he would hit me twice as hard. He would take his belt and slap me so hard, blood would spurt out of my mouth. Sam would hide in her room and cry for hours.

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