ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇʟᴇᴠᴇɴ~Ⓛ︎Ⓤ︎Ⓚ︎Ⓔ︎

368 16 36

Blood, homophobia, bullying

/𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕝'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧/

"Hello Karl,"

I stumbled back as I crawled out of the room, tears daring to leak from my eyes. I didn't care, I let them run down my now pale cheeks. I had to get out of here this moment. I tripped over my legs as I dashed around the corner of the corridor towards the lift. With each shaky breath I pressed the lift button.

"Come on, come on," I whimper tapping my hands on my knees on my jeans. My nails digged into my palms of my hands to relief my stress. Except my anxiety levels breached as Luke and his friends sprinted around the corner.

"Kaaaarrrrll," Luke dragged out the vowel making a shiver run down my spine chilling my blood. I ditched the lift running around another white wall. My eyes darting around for an escape or a hiding place. My legs were about to give up on me when I spotted an open cleaners cupboard. I crammed myself in locking the door behind me. My heart rapidly thudded in my chest violently as held my breathe. This was it, like it always was. I couldn't run, Luke finds me, I get-

I shudder at the thought of Luke's menacing mereceless stone grey eyes. My thoughts were intruded for I accediently lent against a propped up vacuum cleaner making it wobble on its four wheels. My hands reached to catch it but it was to late. CRASH. I held a hand to mouth to stop my helpless whimper. Loud voices were heard yelling and shouting outside. A loud bang on the door made me fall back into the heavy scented cleaning equipment, hiding among the buckets and mops (hahaha this was unintentionally

The door took another heavy blow before caving in. The lock broke and the door swung open. Luke's friend stood towering over me grinned madly. I quickly made a dash between his outstretched arms and out of the cabinet, past Luke's friends. I could see Luke's astonished face, I would go back to the hotel room and lock the door. I would wait until the morning for George or Wilbur to come remind me to get up so I can hide between their group. But in dismay I realise that Luke wasn't the gob smacked guy standing at least a couple of metres behind me. But we're was Luke then?

My question was answered when I smacked straight into a solid wall. I looked up as I lay sprawled on the ground that I didn't run into a wall but Luke himself. My legs went limp, failing me. When I moved I found myself stuck to the spot, frozen in fear.

Luke leaned down and grabbed the collar of my dragging me over the floor and then left me there whimpering. He knelt down closely so I could feel his breath on my neck.

"Your so pathetic, what we're even thinking?"

His friends came over and kicked me in the gut and stood on my legs while Luke gave me an iron fist to the guts. My mind was clouded with pain I couldn't think straight. Then in the corner of my eye i caught the glimpse of a sharp rusted nail within an arms reach. Luke spat on me and was about to get up. My mind rushed, if Luke stood up now he would see the nail and stop me. I had to act fast, It could be anything to distract him for a couple of seconds. I forced a laugh out but it came choked as blood splattered out of my mouth.

My hand grasped the nail and I clutched the object as Luke sneered. His lips turned in disgust.

"You think this is funny?"

I received a slam in the head which sent my focus afar. Luke turned around to stand up and I took the opportunity to swing the nail with the last of my energy at Luke's ankles. Luke's eyes darted back as he stumbled out of reach and with lighting fast reflexes he struck his foot down onto my wrist pinning my arm down.

"Let it go," he hissed like a striking cobra. I wanted to let go, to let go of my pain and the nail, my thoughts and my weakness. I tried to let go of the nail but with the pressure of Luke's foot made it feel as if I couldn't feel my hand no longer. My fingers turned a shade of purple as on my shaking hand uncurled around the dusted nail.

"Let. go," Luke sneered as he pushed his foot down harder onto my aching wrist. Tear sting my eyes as my breath became wobbly.

Luke's eyes narrowed as he bent down and examined the nail. He turned to me with a sickening smile, "You really think this was going to work?"

He signalled to his friends to roll up my jumpers sleeve as I sobbed pleads. Fear chilled my blood as my head panicked.


||TW: Carving in the arm||

My brain screamed so loud it was the only thing I could hear ringing in my ears. Luke clenched the nail. My arm screeched in agony as I felt the blunt tip of the metal being plunged into my flesh and slowly sliding up and down my arm leaving jagged lines in my soft skin. The smell of metallic blood filled my nostrils as I felt the warmth of my blood trickle down my arm as I internally whimpered. Luke grinned, as if he was satisfied with his masterpiece, he removed the nail from my arm and flung it across the room as it clattered against a far away wall. There was no chance of ever using the nail again. My arm felt numb as Luke moved away from my limp body. The life seemed to drain from it.

||TW: over ||

"Get up," Luke cleared his throat. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't want to look at the scrolled curses on my arm, "i think you've learned your lesson."

Luke knew I couldn't get to my feet, he was doing this on purpose. But I had to try- I struggle into child's pose. I tried to harness all the energy left in my worn out body. I felt the eyes of Luke stare through me as I tried to get up and fell hopelessly. Sooner or later I felt a hand yanking my hair pulling me onto my feet, my vision was fuzzy from the tears leaking from my eyes.

"Pathetic," Luke spat.

"Gay bitch,"



My mind went numb as Luke named a list of words to describe me. I felt dead inside, there was nothing left for me to fight with or stop the pain.

"You disgust me Jacobs, just looking at you. Your so weak and hopeless."

"Just end it Jacobs, you'll do everyone a favour,"

||TW: suicidal thoughts ||

My body shivered uncontrollably. Luke was right. My skin felt like butter when Luke ran the nail through it. Who would stop me anyway. Who would miss me.

No one.

I didn't even have the strength to live on. I felt so dead inside what was the point. The pain seemed to drain from my limbs and mind the idea of death. Flashes of Quackity played in my head. If I was going to end my self I would have to say goodbye to him.

||TW over ||

No. Quackity wouldn't want me to think that. To do that. A fist to the guts made me double over and sent me crashing to the ground as pain began to surface again, leaving my dream like thoughts. Reality, I thought as I coughed up blood which felt so heavy in my throat. Every pounding blow sent shock waves ripple through my body as I cringe at my worthless body. Why couldn't i fight back?

A figure in the distance stood at the end of the hallway before my consciousness spiralled into nothing but blackness.

1349 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠

𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 10 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒔 <3

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