ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ ~ Ⓗ︎Ⓔ︎Ⓘ︎Ⓖ︎Ⓗ︎Ⓣ︎Ⓢ︎

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Ello guys, just wanting to let you know that my sleep schedule just went 📈📉. Thank you <3
Anyone else the same? #were_are_my_fellow_nightowls

Swearing, homophobia

My mind was anywhere else except for the tree tops course at the camp.


I widen my eyes as I glance at the tall figure (ik he ain't that tall irl but this is my fanfic. My rules) who's voice made me shiver. It was Sapnap. His usual confident face looked slightly sick. My eyes instantly flicked the other way as he gave a smug smirk as he caught me staring, his mood shifting slightly. I chewed the inside of my mouth embarrassed to look in his direction.

What seemed like only a moment ago I got shocked as I realised that I was already being moved onto the course, high in the trees. I wriggled within the safety belt that hugged my waist tightly. It was irritating, but not as uncomfortable as Sapnap was looking. He had turned a pale colour as he came up behind me onto the first platform. The lowest platform. His hands shoved deep into his pockets and he swayed dizzily as he stared at the distance between him and the ground. No way he was...scared of heights? The boy who wasn't scared of throwing a punch was scared of standing in a tree? A smile tugged at my lips at the thought of the taller, stronger boy being scared of heights. I couldn't help but let a snort leave my nose causing Sapnap to narrow his eyes at me.

"What are you laughing at Jacobs?"

My stomach did a mini somersault as Sapnap called me by my last name. It had become a bad habit of his from yesterday. I didn't mind he called me that...it's just the feeling that followed that didn't settle right with me. The feeling of being shoved of a tall cliff then being pulled out from underneath the ice. Then the butterflies...

"Karl..." I blinked to find Sapnap raising an eyebrow as he prodded my arm, "Seriously dude, you ok?"

I nodded and moved over to bunch of ropes which I had to swing across one to another to get to the second platform. Instinctively i waited for Sapnap to finish the course before starting the next one. By the fifth obstical, before I went to attach my harness to the rope to scale the spider net, I felt a hand grab my shoulder. A jolt of pain jabbed through my gut making me want to hurl as I turn in surprise to find Sapnap doubling over, clutching his stomach in pain. My anxiety lowered as I realise it was just Sapnap touching me...but still it hurt my stomach.

He removed his hand as soon as he realised how tense I was.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I helped him lean against the trunk of the tree. He nodded violently as a sweat broke out on his forehead. He definitely  wasn't ok. I sat down next to him, between me and Sapnap, Almost everyone had bypassed us because of our constant stopping and starting. A breeze tussled the leaves as Sapnap grabbed my arm tightly, It hurt in his grasp but I let him hold my arm for support. His pupils shrinking until they were just slits.

"Do you want to tell me anything?" I ask and as if on cue he nodded shakingly. He became less tense and removed his solid grip on my arm and smiled weakly.

"I ummm...may be a little scared of-" he jumped grabbing for my arm again as the floor underneath us let out a squeak, "heights..."

He breathed out, avoiding my sympathetic stare. I was never really the one to comfort others, more of them to me. But at least I knew how he felt, or somewhat on how he felt. I placed a hand on his back to find he softened at my touch so I kept it there.

"Why did you come, you could of just told our instructor?" I said as innocently as I could, I wish Sapnap wouldn't act all super tough all the time. He gave a look of dismay, I noticed small tears forming at the back of his pretty brown eyes, I wish he wouldn't cry. He caught my eye staring and ducked his head once more.

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