The Threat

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Sans walked on to a new area, which was a dark, muddy location with specks of light blue here and there. There was a river flowing by next to him, which was carrying blocks of ice towards the east. He continued.
He found himself in a room full of people there was a human child whom he recognised; he had seen them in Snowdin. They spoke of a great warrior named "Percy". He also found Justin sat behind a sentry post. There were a few other humans, and a strange glowing rock in one of the corners. He spoke to Justin first.
"What? You never seen a guy with two jobs before?" Justin said. "It just means that I get twice as many legally-required breaks. How're you doing?"
"Alright, yeah. Just a bit bored." Replied Sans.
"I can fix that. Wanna go to Cindy's?"
"The bar? Yes. Definitely."
Alright, we'll be off. I know a shortcut." Justin said, winking at Sans. They went East, away from the town in which Cindy's was located.
Taking the 'shortcut meant that they arrived in the bar within a matter of seconds. Sans did not question this;he had found that he and Justin were more alike than most. They sat down at one of the stools near the main table.
"Hey Izzy." Said Justin to a woman who was, quite alarmingly, on fire.
"Hi Justin!" Said the figure, who showed no pain whatsoever. Sans looked very confused.
"This is Izzy. She's the bartender for Cindy's. The bar is called Cindy's for obvious reasons." Justin explained.
"Got it." Sans replied.
"You wanna order?" Justin asked, completely relaxed.
"Sure. Burgers or fries, right? We have something similar up above."
"Right you are. So, which do you want?" Justin smiled.
"Meh. You can decide for me." Sans said, also very relaxed.
"Alright," Justin said. "Izzy? A double order of fries, please."
Upon hearing this, Izzy said "Got it!" And immediately prepared to fry the chips. Once all was prepared, she stuffed her flaming hand into the mixture of liquid and it began to bubble.
The pair continued talking between themselves. When the fries arrived, neither touched theirs but mayonnaise was offered. Justin took the mayonnaise and began to gulp it down. Sans produced a bottle of ketchup from his jacket pocket and began to drink his own.
After a miniature competition of condiment-consumption, Justin asked Sans a plot changing question:
"D'you know anything about a talking rock?"
Sans looked surprised, but he told himself to expect this kind of thing as him and Justin were so alike.
"Yes, actually. Uh..." Sans began.
"So you know all about it... The repeater rock." Justin said. "It listens for sound and repeats whatever it hears. Brayden says a rock like that has been showing up to him, giving him compliments, advice, prophecies..."
"Hmm..." Sans said, and he found that he was unable to say anything more.

After they left the bar (neither had touched the food they had ordered), the pair bid each other goodbye, and went their separate ways; Justin went West and Sans went East.

They both ended up in the East.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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