The Kingdom

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Ok so I'm a lazy writer so Im gonna skip some stuff that, if you play undertale which you totally should by the way, you will know about. So Sans left the hallway room and entered a room with a leaf pile, where he found Faye, and a room north of there containing 'human candy' of which he obeyed the sign and took only one (unlike SOME PEOPLE). He continued east.
Eventually, after making his way through many other puzzles involving levers and soft parts of path that he fell through (damaging the crack in his leg again), he found a ghost.
"Zzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzzzz... (Are they gone yet?) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..." It said, pretending to sleep to avoid company. Sans gave it a nudge. A battle initiated.
"Oh..." Said the ghost. It was a human wearing a striped sweater and long trousers. It weeped on Sans and he took damage. Sans took pity on the ghost and gave it encouragement and told it jokes, and in turn it showed him a new look it was trying, where it cried itself a bowler hat and donned it, asking Sans of his opinion. Sans commented positively.
"Oh gee..." It said, crying a little more. "Usually I come to the RUINS because there's no one around... But today, I met someone nice... Oh... I'm rambling again... I'll get out of your way. Thanks..." It said, and left. Sans continued, toward a 'bug butchery', where he bought a slab of cockroach meat, (impossibly small and definitely unsatisfactory). He continued, finding more rooms with puzzles, solving them, and eventually finding a room with an intersection. He went North, where he found Kay's house. Kay appeared from behind a tree, and found Sans stood behind it.
"Ah. Hello, my child. I am glad you did not obey me, I was getting worried. It was very foolish of me. If you had obeyed me I would have been waiting for you for a very long time. I would like to show you something. Come." Kay said
"Ok." Sans said. He entered Kay's house.

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