The Birth

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Undyne was in the delivery room, the baby, Darius, was about to have his first glance at the world.
"Push! Push!" Alphys yelled. Undyne groaned loudly.
"There's a head!" The doctor cried.
"Harder! Just a bit more!"
"NgaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Undyne screamed, and the baby came out of the womb exceptionally quickly.
"It's a boy!" Cried the doctor.
"We know." Said Alphys.
"There was a chance we got it wrong." Replied the doctor.
"We knew that too. We had the data checked multiple times." Alphys stated superiorly. The doctor looked surprised.
"I'm a scientist." Retorted Alphys.
"Oh ok..." The doctor said.
"Hello little Darius..." Soothed Undyne, ignoring Alphys and the doctor completely. "Welcome to the world!" She whisper-shouted.
Alphys put her finger in front of the baby, and it reached out to grab the finger. She started fangirling.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" She cried.
The midwife came into the room to take Darius away.
"A lovely little boy I see! Now, I'll just take him for registration-" She was cut off by Undyne, who had summoned a line of spears in front of Darius. Despite being weak from the pregnancy, she still had some remaining energy.
"DON'T. YOU. DARE. TOUCH. MY. SON." Undyne growled.
"No no no, undyne, she has to take the baby so that everyone knows who he is. Otherwise he'll not have an identity and be refused a LOT of things." Alphys explained.
"Grr..." Undyne grumbled. "If he comes back with so much as a SCRATCH, I will KILL you."
The midwife whimpered, took Darius and walked briskly out of the room.
"So Undyne... How do you feel?" Alphys asked cautiously.
"Better, and I feel... Complete, you know?"
"So do I, Undyne, so do I."

(This isn't a part of the book by the way.)
One of my colleagues has started writing a book called 'Silence' and it is by 'SpongeBobSquidless', it is very good and I thought I would recommend it to you guys.
Ok thanks bye.

MutioTale - Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें