The Others

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Sans walked out of the room with the dummy, following Kay.
"There is another puzzle in this room. I wonder if you can solve it?" Kay said. A path labelled the floor in a needlessly twisting fashion, confusing Sans. They walked East, where the path lead. The pathway narrowed and a sign was noticed.
'The West path mirrors the Eastern one,' It read.
Kay walked onwards as Sans read the sign, and after she had gone from his vision, Sans' white heart began to flash in front of him. A battle initiated.

A small child holding a plastic knife and wearing a faded red ribbon walked up to Sans.
"Heya little girl. What're you doin' here?" Sans asked.
The little girl looked at Sans and whimpered.
Sans chose to ACT and comfort the small girl. Words materialised in his head.
'FAYE feels more comfortable in your presence' it read.
Faye struck with her toy knife, and the white heart appeared in the box that it had when Rocky fought Sans, but instead of bullets, Sans was being attacked by knives, coming from all directions. He dodged them, having taught himself vigorously in the art of dodging attacks. He took no damage. After Faye had finished attacking, Kay came back, wondering why Sans hadn't followed her. She glared at Faye, who walked away looking at the ground. She smiled at Sans as she walked away. The battle concluded.

"Come, my child." Kay beckoned. Sans followed. The next part of the room was covered in spikes.
"This is the puzzle, but..." Kay began. "Here. Take my hand for a moment." She led Sans through the spikes, some of which retracted as she walked over them. Sans noticed that the path through the spikes was marked in the previous room. "Puzzles seem a bit difficult for the moment." Kay stated. Sans almost felt offended. They walked to the next room. It appeared to be a long hallway without a visible end, leading West.
"You have done excellently thus far, my child, but now I have a test for you. Please forgive me for this." Kay said.
"For wha-" Sans began, but Kay had run away, surprisingly slowly, but fast enough to outrun Sans. "Hey! Wait up!" He shouted, sprinting after her. She gradually went out of vision.
Sans continued running for several minutes, and eventually reached the end of the hall. There was a very suspicious pillar stood near the wall, suspicious because there were no other pillars in the RUINS so far. Sans went over to inspect it. When he did so, Kay jumped out from behind it. "Well done my child. This was a test of your independence, and I see yours is very strong."
"Yeah, I've had to deal with some stuff..." Sans said, depressingly.
"There there, my child. It is ok. I will have to leave you now. Stay here, in this room. I will 'see you later'" she said, sticking up 2 fingers and curling and uncurling them. She left the hallway room.
Sans sat down on the floor. He sat.

And sat.

Aaaaaand sat.

And Kay did not return.
He eventually decided that Kay was most likely not coming back, and he too left the hallway room, into the other regions of the underground.

MutioTale - Part 1Where stories live. Discover now